Comment 18 for bug 388145

Revision history for this message
Husen Daudi (husendaudi) wrote :

From my last post.

For this part of entries.
Invoice customer
These 2 entries are not encoded.
account 2801 = C 10
account 7000 = D 10 Type P/L – Cost of sales

To encode this entries we will take 2801 from intrim account of product or category.
from where I should select 7000?
I meant to ask that from where I should select account 7000(Which Property from which object).

one more question for this entry part.
Receive the purchase invoice
Note that creditor has added shippingcost line to the invoice. Shipping cost (or other purchase cost) should account choosen manually by the accounting user on the invoice.
account 1510 = D 9,00
account 7095 = D 1,00 ← Type P/L – Price differences creditor (also called discounts creditor) should be a parameter.
account 7065 = D 10,00 ← Shipping costs purchase (excl. VAT)
account 1612 = D 3,80 ← Type balance – Vat account to receive
account 1500 = C 23,80 ← Type balance – Creditor account

from where I can select account 7095 (Which Property from which object)?
you have commented this. "Price differences creditor (also called discounts creditor) should be a parameter."

for taking amount I am very clear now.