Comment 0 for bug 1154223

Revision history for this message
Douglas Baldwin (gdbaldw) wrote :

1) Steps to Reproduce:
   a) New 7.0 trunk installation choosing only the "Payment Follow-Up Management" module.
   b) Choose "Custom" COA with currency in USD.
   c) Create a Customer and an Invoice in the amount of 1.00 USD.
   d) At the Customer Form, choose menu item More=>Monthly Turnover

2) Observation: "Total without Tax" is 0.78
      [Note: seems to be reported in EUR, but COA and this invoice are in USD]
      [Also: Ran alternate test with 0% tax rate; same error]

3) Expectation: "Total without Tax" is 1.00

4) Debian Testing and Chrome Browser

5) Debian nightly OpenERP trunk

Creates terrible first customer impression.