It's really nice Amelioration, But this is not a bug but rather than it's your suggestion to Improve the code of qweb2.js for manage complex expressions.
We can also Improve this code with out change qweb2.js in following way...
<li t-if=" or">
<field name="city"/>
<t t-if=" and">,</t>
</t><field name="country"/>
But.......... ... ..
It's good Implementation as per the coding conventions point of view. So we can consider this is as your suggestion and considering it as a "Wishlist". and Let the team to take decision on it.
Hello Daniel,
It's really nice Amelioration, But this is not a bug but rather than it's your suggestion to Improve the code of qweb2.js for manage complex expressions.
We can also Improve this code with out change qweb2.js in following way... city.raw_ value or record. country. raw_value" > city.raw_ value and record. country. raw_value" >,</t>
<li t-if="record.
<field name="city"/>
<t t-if="record.
</t><field name="country"/>
But.......... ... ..
It's good Implementation as per the coding conventions point of view. So we can consider this is as your suggestion and considering it as a "Wishlist". and Let the team to take decision on it.
@Antoine (al) : please give look.
Thanks for the reporting!