Activity log for bug #255245

Date Who What changed Old value New value Message
2008-08-06 07:39:30 David Hart bug added bug
2008-08-06 07:40:17 David Hart opencog: status New Confirmed
2008-08-06 07:40:17 David Hart opencog: importance Undecided Wishlist
2008-08-06 07:40:17 David Hart opencog: statusexplanation
2008-08-06 07:40:17 David Hart opencog: milestone release-1.0
2008-08-06 07:44:02 David Hart description The OpenCog Framework should be released with a good tutorial for beginners, similar to the excellent "OpenBiomind: A Step-by-Step Tutorial" (tutorial.pdf) at Note that a prerequisite for beginning substantive work on this bug is to find an interesting and suitable example application, potentially utilizing in-development components from OpenCog Prime which is slated for release some many months (at least) *after* the OpenCog Framework, so it's okay if pre-release code and properly licensed datasets are included with the tutorial bundle (as with the openbiomind-extras example above). The OpenCog Framework should be released with a good tutorial for beginners, similar to the excellent "OpenBiomind: A Step-by-Step Tutorial" (tutorial.pdf) at Note that a prerequisite for beginning substantive work on this bug is to find an interesting and suitable example application, potentially utilizing in-development components from OpenCog Prime which is slated for release some many months (at least) *after* the OpenCog Framework, so it's okay if pre-release code and properly licensed datasets are included with the tutorial bundle (as with the openbiomind-extras example above). Please discuss ideas on #opencog and