* ubuntu-download-manager is no longer in the archive
* media-hub is no longer in the archive
* Not sure what the status is for Ubuntu Online Accounts API ? online-accounts-api is no longer in the archive but does it mean the task can be closed?
* content-hub is still affected.
Marking Fix Released for apparmor since the patch was removed in xenial with https:/ /git.launchpad. net/ubuntu/ +source/ apparmor/ commit/ ?id=cf2c6b3637a e003bfbbb5eeb29 43f7c59fe47bd7
* ubuntu- download- manager is no longer in the archive
* media-hub is no longer in the archive
* Not sure what the status is for Ubuntu Online Accounts API ? online-accounts-api is no longer in the archive but does it mean the task can be closed?
* content-hub is still affected.