* New release:
- move from desktopcouch to a json cache file base version, build a
server/client protocol based on ubuntu-webcatalog (server part will be
oneline soon). (LP: #720498, #715514, #748517)
- adapt to latest software-center in oneiric
- harden a lot regards to bug handling timeouts and such
(LP: #616463, #625554, #804768, #594394)
- optimize startup time with json and don't wait on server side sync
(LP: #638142, #780651)
- adapt now with ubuntu sso and triggers the login dialog on fresh
install (LP: #674537, #708187)
* debian/control, debian/rules:
- we really don't depend on desktopcouch now
- deps on ubuntu-sso-client now
- transition to dh_python2
- remove other deprecated deps
- bump Standards-Version
-- Didier Roche <email address hidden> Mon, 01 Aug 2011 12:30:21 +0200
This bug was fixed in the package oneconf - 0.2
oneconf (0.2) oneiric; urgency=low
* New release:
- move from desktopcouch to a json cache file base version, build a
server/client protocol based on ubuntu-webcatalog (server part will be
oneline soon). (LP: #720498, #715514, #748517)
- adapt to latest software-center in oneiric
- harden a lot regards to bug handling timeouts and such
(LP: #616463, #625554, #804768, #594394)
- optimize startup time with json and don't wait on server side sync
(LP: #638142, #780651)
- adapt now with ubuntu sso and triggers the login dialog on fresh
install (LP: #674537, #708187)
* debian/control, debian/rules:
- we really don't depend on desktopcouch now
- deps on ubuntu-sso-client now
- transition to dh_python2
- remove other deprecated deps
- bump Standards-Version
-- Didier Roche <email address hidden> Mon, 01 Aug 2011 12:30:21 +0200