[baz@jackodesktop ~]$ onboard -d all
22:57:31.117 INFO Config gsettings schema for 'org.gnome.Mousetweaks' is not installed
22:57:31.121 INFO ClickSimulator 'CSMousetweaks0' selected for mousetweaks up to version 3.8.
22:57:31.122 DEBUG Config Desktop environment: KDE
22:57:31.124 DEBUG Config command line: ['/usr/bin/onboard', '-d', 'all']
22:57:31.124 DEBUG Config lauched by, process: '['/bin/bash', '']'
22:57:31.124 DEBUG Config lauched by, detected: 0
22:57:31.124 INFO Config Starting migration, user.lm has been deprecated.
22:57:31.124 INFO Config Migration target already exists, skipping renaming '/home/baz/.local/share/onboard/models/user.lm' to '/home/baz/.local/share/onboard/models/en_GB.lm'.
22:57:31.125 INFO ConfigUtils Looking for system defaults in ['/home/baz/.config/onboard/onboard-defaults.conf', '/etc/xdg/onboard/onboard-defaults.conf', '/etc/xdg/kf5/onboard/onboard-defaults.conf', '/var/lib/plasma5-profiles/common/xdg/onboard/onboard-defaults.conf', '/usr/share/onboard/onboard-defaults.conf', '/etc/onboard/onboard-defaults.conf']
22:57:31.125 INFO ConfigUtils Loading system defaults from ['/etc/onboard/onboard-defaults.conf']
22:57:31.126 INFO ConfigUtils Found system default '[window] docking-enabled=True'
22:57:31.126 INFO ConfigUtils Found system default '[window] force-to-top=True'
22:57:31.126 INFO ConfigUtils Found system default '[icon-palette] in-use=True'
22:57:31.126 INFO ConfigUtils Found system default '[auto-show] enabled=False'
22:57:31.126 INFO ConfigUtils Found system default '[main] status-icon-provider=GtkStatusIcon'
22:57:31.126 INFO ConfigUtils Found system default '[main] layout=Full Keyboard'
22:57:31.126 INFO ConfigUtils Found system default '[main] theme=Nightshade'
22:57:31.126 INFO ConfigUtils Found system default '[main] key-label-font=DejaVu Sans'
22:57:31.126 INFO ConfigUtils Found system default '[main] superkey-label='
22:57:31.126 INFO ConfigUtils Found system default '[main] superkey-label-independent-size=True'
22:57:31.126 INFO ConfigUtils Found system default '[main] xembed-onboard=True'
22:57:31.126 INFO ConfigUtils Found system default '[main] xembed-aspect-change-range=[0, 1.6]'
22:57:31.126 INFO ConfigUtils Found system default '[main] xembed-unity-greeter-offset-x=85.0'
22:57:31.127 INFO ConfigUtils Found system default '[main] xembed-background-color=#0000007F'
22:57:31.127 INFO ConfigUtils Found system default '[main] xembed-background-image-enabled=True'
22:57:31.130 INFO Config Theme candidates ['/usr/share/onboard/themes/Typist.theme', '', '/usr/share/onboard/themes/Typist.theme', 'Nightshade', 'Classic Onboard']
22:57:31.130 INFO Config Loading theme from '/usr/share/onboard/themes/Typist.theme'
22:57:31.132 DEBUG Config Leaving init
22:57:31.154 DEBUG AutoShow enable_tablet_mode_detection False None
22:57:31.154 DEBUG AutoShow enable_keyboard_device_detection False None
22:57:31.156 DEBUG WindowUtils restore_window_rect Rect(x=1230.0 y=946.0 w=39.0 h=39.0), <class 'Onboard.WindowUtils.Orientation.LANDSCAPE'>
22:57:31.157 DEBUG WindowUtils restore_window_rect Rect(x=1230.0 y=946.0 w=39.0 h=39.0), <class 'Onboard.WindowUtils.Orientation.LANDSCAPE'>
22:57:31.158 DEBUG KbdWindow Entered in __init__
22:57:31.159 DEBUG KbdWindow window manager: KWin
22:57:31.159 DEBUG KbdWindow quirks selected: <class 'Onboard.KbdWindow.WMQuirksDefault'>
22:57:31.159 DEBUG KbdWindow screen changed, supports_alpha=True
22:57:31.160 DEBUG KbdWindow Leaving __init__
22:57:31.160 DEBUG WindowUtils restore_window_rect Rect(x=790.0 y=776.0 w=422.0 h=159.0), <class 'Onboard.WindowUtils.Orientation.LANDSCAPE'>
22:57:31.160 INFO OnboardGtk Loading initial layout
22:57:31.173 DEBUG ConfigUtils layout 'Full Keyboard' not found yet, retrying in default paths
22:57:31.173 DEBUG ConfigUtils layout '/usr/share/onboard/layouts/Full Keyboard.onboard' found.
22:57:31.173 INFO OnboardGtk Loading keyboard layout /usr/share/onboard/layouts/Full Keyboard.onboard
22:57:31.173 INFO OnboardGtk Loading color scheme /usr/share/onboard/themes/Typist.colors
22:57:31.176 INFO LayoutLoaderSVG current system keyboard layout(variant): 'gb'
22:57:31.178 DEBUG ConfigUtils layout include 'key_defs.xml' not found yet, retrying in default paths
22:57:31.179 DEBUG ConfigUtils layout include '/usr/share/onboard/layouts/key_defs.xml' found.
22:57:31.179 INFO LayoutLoaderSVG Including layout 'key_defs.xml'
22:57:31.184 DEBUG ConfigUtils layout include 'word_suggestions.xml' not found yet, retrying in default paths
22:57:31.184 DEBUG ConfigUtils layout include '/usr/share/onboard/layouts/word_suggestions.xml' found.
22:57:31.184 INFO LayoutLoaderSVG Including layout 'word_suggestions.xml'
22:57:31.214 DEBUG Onboard.Keyboard Key-synth candidates: [<KeySynthEnum.XTEST: 1>, <KeySynthEnum.UINPUT: 2>, <KeySynthEnum.ATSPI: 3>]
22:57:31.214 INFO Onboard.Keyboard Using key-synth 'KeySynthEnum.XTEST'
22:57:31.214 DEBUG Onboard.Keyboard keyboard auto-repeat: delay 0.6, interval 0.04
22:57:31.215 INFO Onboard.WordSuggestions selecting language models: system=['lm:system:en_GB'] user=['lm:user:en_GB'] auto_learn=['lm:user:en_GB']
22:57:31.219 INFO Onboard.SpellChecker starting '<class 'Onboard.SpellChecker.hunspell'>' ['en_GB']
22:57:31.219 INFO Onboard.SpellChecker using hunspell files '/usr/share/hunspell/en_GB.dic', '/usr/share/hunspell/en_GB.aff'
22:57:31.233 INFO Onboard.SpellChecker dictionary encoding 'ISO8859-1'
22:57:31.234 DEBUG Onboard.Keyboard set_modifiers(0) False None False
22:57:31.235 INFO Onboard.Keyboard using click simulator 'CSButtonMapper'
22:57:31.245 DEBUG Onboard.Keyboard ButtonController: BarKey('previous-predictions').sensitive = False
22:57:31.245 DEBUG Onboard.Keyboard ButtonController: BarKey('next-predictions').sensitive = False
22:57:31.247 DEBUG OnboardGtk not limiting window size: Rect(x=790.0 y=776.0 w=422.0 h=159.0) to Rect(x=790.0 y=776.0 w=422.0 h=159.0)
22:57:31.247 INFO KbdWindow recreating window - window options changed
22:57:31.267 DEBUG WindowUtils restore_window_rect Rect(x=790.0 y=776.0 w=422.0 h=159.0), <class 'Onboard.WindowUtils.Orientation.LANDSCAPE'>
22:57:31.267 DEBUG KbdWindow _cb_realize_event, screen size 1280x1024
22:57:31.267 DEBUG KbdWindow _cb_realize_event, monitor dimensions: (1280, 1024) pixel, (340, 270) mm
22:57:31.267 DEBUG KbdWindow _cb_realize_event, get_min_window_size(): 188 75
22:57:31.267 DEBUG KbdWindow update_window_scaling_factor: scale 1
22:57:31.290 DEBUG LayoutView Probing shadow performance: estimated full refresh time 6.4ms at quality 0, 1 steps.
22:57:31.291 DEBUG LayoutView Probing shadow performance: estimated full refresh time 8.3ms at quality 1, 4 steps.
22:57:31.291 INFO LayoutView Probing shadow performance took 2.1ms. Selecting quality 1.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/bin/onboard", line 36, in <module>
ob = Onboard()
File "/usr/lib64/python3.8/site-packages/Onboard/OnboardGtk.py", line 148, in __init__
File "/usr/lib64/python3.8/site-packages/Onboard/OnboardGtk.py", line 189, in init
File "/usr/lib64/python3.8/site-packages/Onboard/OnboardGtk.py", line 273, in _init_delayed
File "/usr/lib64/python3.8/site-packages/Onboard/KeyboardWidget.py", line 433, in set_startup_visibility
File "/usr/lib64/python3.8/site-packages/Onboard/KeyboardWidget.py", line 712, in commit_transition
File "/usr/lib64/python3.8/site-packages/Onboard/KeyboardWidget.py", line 748, in _on_transition_step
File "/usr/lib64/python3.8/site-packages/Onboard/KbdWindow.py", line 389, in set_visible
File "/usr/lib64/python3.8/site-packages/Onboard/KbdWindow.py", line 209, in _show_first_time
File "/usr/lib64/python3.8/site-packages/Onboard/KbdWindow.py", line 218, in pre_render_keys
self.keyboard_widget.pre_render_keys(self, w, h)
File "/usr/lib64/python3.8/site-packages/Onboard/KeyboardWidget.py", line 451, in pre_render_keys
File "/usr/lib64/python3.8/site-packages/Onboard/LayoutView.py", line 256, in render
File "/usr/lib64/python3.8/site-packages/Onboard/KeyGtk.py", line 162, in draw_cached
entry = self._create_key_surface(cr)
File "/usr/lib64/python3.8/site-packages/Onboard/KeyGtk.py", line 182, in _create_key_surface
File "/usr/lib64/python3.8/site-packages/Onboard/KeyGtk.py", line 971, in draw
self.draw_label(context, lod)
File "/usr/lib64/python3.8/site-packages/Onboard/KeyGtk.py", line 601, in draw_label
PangoCairo.show_layout(context, layout)
File "/usr/lib64/python3.8/site-packages/gi/module.py", line 131, in __getattr__
raise AttributeError("%r object has no attribute %r" % (
AttributeError: 'gi.repository.PangoCairo' object has no attribute 'show_layout'
With -d all
[baz@jackodesktop ~]$ onboard -d all Mousetweaks' is not installed bin/onboard' , '-d', 'all'] baz/.local/ share/onboard/ models/ user.lm' to '/home/ baz/.local/ share/onboard/ models/ en_GB.lm' . baz/.config/ onboard/ onboard- defaults. conf', '/etc/xdg/ onboard/ onboard- defaults. conf', '/etc/xdg/ kf5/onboard/ onboard- defaults. conf', '/var/lib/ plasma5- profiles/ common/ xdg/onboard/ onboard- defaults. conf', '/usr/share/ onboard/ onboard- defaults. conf', '/etc/onboard/ onboard- defaults. conf'] onboard/ onboard- defaults. conf'] enabled= True' icon-provider= GtkStatusIcon' font=DejaVu Sans' label-independe nt-size= True' onboard= True' aspect- change- range=[ 0, 1.6]' unity-greeter- offset- x=85.0' background- color=# 0000007F' background- image-enabled= True' share/onboard/ themes/ Typist. theme', '', '/usr/share/ onboard/ themes/ Typist. theme', 'Nightshade', 'Classic Onboard'] onboard/ themes/ Typist. theme' tablet_ mode_detection False None keyboard_ device_ detection False None WindowUtils. Orientation. LANDSCAPE' > WindowUtils. Orientation. LANDSCAPE' > KbdWindow. WMQuirksDefault '> WindowUtils. Orientation. LANDSCAPE' > onboard/ layouts/ Full Keyboard.onboard' found. onboard/ layouts/ Full Keyboard.onboard onboard/ themes/ Typist. colors onboard/ layouts/ key_defs. xml' found. ns.xml' not found yet, retrying in default paths onboard/ layouts/ word_suggestion s.xml' found. ns.xml' XTEST: 1>, <KeySynthEnum. UINPUT: 2>, <KeySynthEnum. ATSPI: 3>] XTEST' WordSuggestions selecting language models: system= ['lm:system: en_GB'] user=[' lm:user: en_GB'] auto_learn= ['lm:user: en_GB'] SpellChecker starting '<class 'Onboard. SpellChecker. hunspell' >' ['en_GB'] SpellChecker using hunspell files '/usr/share/ hunspell/ en_GB.dic' , '/usr/share/ hunspell/ en_GB.aff' SpellChecker dictionary encoding 'ISO8859-1' 'previous- predictions' ).sensitive = False 'next-predictio ns').sensitive = False WindowUtils. Orientation. LANDSCAPE' > window_ size(): 188 75 window_ scaling_ factor: scale 1 python3. 8/site- packages/ Onboard/ OnboardGtk. py", line 148, in __init__ python3. 8/site- packages/ Onboard/ OnboardGtk. py", line 189, in init _init_delayed( ) python3. 8/site- packages/ Onboard/ OnboardGtk. py", line 273, in _init_delayed keyboard_ widget. set_startup_ visibility( ) python3. 8/site- packages/ Onboard/ KeyboardWidget. py", line 433, in set_startup_ visibility commit_ transition( ) python3. 8/site- packages/ Onboard/ KeyboardWidget. py", line 712, in commit_transition _on_transition_ step() python3. 8/site- packages/ Onboard/ KeyboardWidget. py", line 748, in _on_transition_step set_visible( visible) python3. 8/site- packages/ Onboard/ KbdWindow. py", line 389, in set_visible _show_first_ time() python3. 8/site- packages/ Onboard/ KbdWindow. py", line 209, in _show_first_time pre_render_ keys(*self. get_size( )) python3. 8/site- packages/ Onboard/ KbdWindow. py", line 218, in pre_render_keys keyboard_ widget. pre_render_ keys(self, w, h) python3. 8/site- packages/ Onboard/ KeyboardWidget. py", line 451, in pre_render_keys render( context) python3. 8/site- packages/ Onboard/ LayoutView. py", line 256, in render draw_cached( context) python3. 8/site- packages/ Onboard/ KeyGtk. py", line 162, in draw_cached key_surface( cr) python3. 8/site- packages/ Onboard/ KeyGtk. py", line 182, in _create_key_surface python3. 8/site- packages/ Onboard/ KeyGtk. py", line 971, in draw draw_label( context, lod) python3. 8/site- packages/ Onboard/ KeyGtk. py", line 601, in draw_label show_layout( context, layout) python3. 8/site- packages/ gi/module. py", line 131, in __getattr__ PangoCairo' object has no attribute 'show_layout'
22:57:31.117 INFO Config gsettings schema for 'org.gnome.
22:57:31.121 INFO ClickSimulator 'CSMousetweaks0' selected for mousetweaks up to version 3.8.
22:57:31.122 DEBUG Config Desktop environment: KDE
22:57:31.124 DEBUG Config command line: ['/usr/
22:57:31.124 DEBUG Config lauched by, process: '['/bin/bash', '']'
22:57:31.124 DEBUG Config lauched by, detected: 0
22:57:31.124 INFO Config Starting migration, user.lm has been deprecated.
22:57:31.124 INFO Config Migration target already exists, skipping renaming '/home/
22:57:31.125 INFO ConfigUtils Looking for system defaults in ['/home/
22:57:31.125 INFO ConfigUtils Loading system defaults from ['/etc/
22:57:31.126 INFO ConfigUtils Found system default '[window] docking-
22:57:31.126 INFO ConfigUtils Found system default '[window] force-to-top=True'
22:57:31.126 INFO ConfigUtils Found system default '[icon-palette] in-use=True'
22:57:31.126 INFO ConfigUtils Found system default '[auto-show] enabled=False'
22:57:31.126 INFO ConfigUtils Found system default '[main] status-
22:57:31.126 INFO ConfigUtils Found system default '[main] layout=Full Keyboard'
22:57:31.126 INFO ConfigUtils Found system default '[main] theme=Nightshade'
22:57:31.126 INFO ConfigUtils Found system default '[main] key-label-
22:57:31.126 INFO ConfigUtils Found system default '[main] superkey-label='
22:57:31.126 INFO ConfigUtils Found system default '[main] superkey-
22:57:31.126 INFO ConfigUtils Found system default '[main] xembed-
22:57:31.126 INFO ConfigUtils Found system default '[main] xembed-
22:57:31.126 INFO ConfigUtils Found system default '[main] xembed-
22:57:31.127 INFO ConfigUtils Found system default '[main] xembed-
22:57:31.127 INFO ConfigUtils Found system default '[main] xembed-
22:57:31.130 INFO Config Theme candidates ['/usr/
22:57:31.130 INFO Config Loading theme from '/usr/share/
22:57:31.132 DEBUG Config Leaving init
22:57:31.154 DEBUG AutoShow enable_
22:57:31.154 DEBUG AutoShow enable_
22:57:31.156 DEBUG WindowUtils restore_window_rect Rect(x=1230.0 y=946.0 w=39.0 h=39.0), <class 'Onboard.
22:57:31.157 DEBUG WindowUtils restore_window_rect Rect(x=1230.0 y=946.0 w=39.0 h=39.0), <class 'Onboard.
22:57:31.158 DEBUG KbdWindow Entered in __init__
22:57:31.159 DEBUG KbdWindow window manager: KWin
22:57:31.159 DEBUG KbdWindow quirks selected: <class 'Onboard.
22:57:31.159 DEBUG KbdWindow screen changed, supports_alpha=True
22:57:31.160 DEBUG KbdWindow Leaving __init__
22:57:31.160 DEBUG WindowUtils restore_window_rect Rect(x=790.0 y=776.0 w=422.0 h=159.0), <class 'Onboard.
22:57:31.160 INFO OnboardGtk Loading initial layout
22:57:31.173 DEBUG ConfigUtils layout 'Full Keyboard' not found yet, retrying in default paths
22:57:31.173 DEBUG ConfigUtils layout '/usr/share/
22:57:31.173 INFO OnboardGtk Loading keyboard layout /usr/share/
22:57:31.173 INFO OnboardGtk Loading color scheme /usr/share/
22:57:31.176 INFO LayoutLoaderSVG current system keyboard layout(variant): 'gb'
22:57:31.178 DEBUG ConfigUtils layout include 'key_defs.xml' not found yet, retrying in default paths
22:57:31.179 DEBUG ConfigUtils layout include '/usr/share/
22:57:31.179 INFO LayoutLoaderSVG Including layout 'key_defs.xml'
22:57:31.184 DEBUG ConfigUtils layout include 'word_suggestio
22:57:31.184 DEBUG ConfigUtils layout include '/usr/share/
22:57:31.184 INFO LayoutLoaderSVG Including layout 'word_suggestio
22:57:31.214 DEBUG Onboard.Keyboard Key-synth candidates: [<KeySynthEnum.
22:57:31.214 INFO Onboard.Keyboard Using key-synth 'KeySynthEnum.
22:57:31.214 DEBUG Onboard.Keyboard keyboard auto-repeat: delay 0.6, interval 0.04
22:57:31.215 INFO Onboard.
22:57:31.219 INFO Onboard.
22:57:31.219 INFO Onboard.
22:57:31.233 INFO Onboard.
22:57:31.234 DEBUG Onboard.Keyboard set_modifiers(0) False None False
22:57:31.235 INFO Onboard.Keyboard using click simulator 'CSButtonMapper'
22:57:31.245 DEBUG Onboard.Keyboard ButtonController: BarKey(
22:57:31.245 DEBUG Onboard.Keyboard ButtonController: BarKey(
22:57:31.247 DEBUG OnboardGtk not limiting window size: Rect(x=790.0 y=776.0 w=422.0 h=159.0) to Rect(x=790.0 y=776.0 w=422.0 h=159.0)
22:57:31.247 INFO KbdWindow recreating window - window options changed
22:57:31.267 DEBUG WindowUtils restore_window_rect Rect(x=790.0 y=776.0 w=422.0 h=159.0), <class 'Onboard.
22:57:31.267 DEBUG KbdWindow _cb_realize_event, screen size 1280x1024
22:57:31.267 DEBUG KbdWindow _cb_realize_event, monitor dimensions: (1280, 1024) pixel, (340, 270) mm
22:57:31.267 DEBUG KbdWindow _cb_realize_event, get_min_
22:57:31.267 DEBUG KbdWindow update_
22:57:31.290 DEBUG LayoutView Probing shadow performance: estimated full refresh time 6.4ms at quality 0, 1 steps.
22:57:31.291 DEBUG LayoutView Probing shadow performance: estimated full refresh time 8.3ms at quality 1, 4 steps.
22:57:31.291 INFO LayoutView Probing shadow performance took 2.1ms. Selecting quality 1.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/bin/onboard", line 36, in <module>
ob = Onboard()
File "/usr/lib64/
File "/usr/lib64/
File "/usr/lib64/
File "/usr/lib64/
File "/usr/lib64/
File "/usr/lib64/
File "/usr/lib64/
File "/usr/lib64/
File "/usr/lib64/
File "/usr/lib64/
File "/usr/lib64/
File "/usr/lib64/
entry = self._create_
File "/usr/lib64/
File "/usr/lib64/
File "/usr/lib64/
File "/usr/lib64/
raise AttributeError("%r object has no attribute %r" % (
AttributeError: 'gi.repository.