Word completion needs at-spi2 to get information about the environment it is typing into. Thus, the following packages needs to be installed:
libatk-adaptor # for mozilla applications (XUL based)
libatk-wrapper-java # for java applications
However, I just tried okular on my system, and prediction only works partly in okular. I have to continuously change context (ior example by clicking on the desktop) to re-initiate prediction. Does it behave the same way on your system after installing the above packages?
Word completion needs at-spi2 to get information about the environment it is typing into. Thus, the following packages needs to be installed:
libatk-adaptor # for mozilla applications (XUL based)
libatk-wrapper-java # for java applications
However, I just tried okular on my system, and prediction only works partly in okular. I have to continuously change context (ior example by clicking on the desktop) to re-initiate prediction. Does it behave the same way on your system after installing the above packages?