Make sure you have the python 3 version installed
sudo apt-get install python3-distutils-extra
Also, if you can, better build and install the debian packages. If you want/have to build from source, get it from our bazaar repository to catch all the latest fixes.
Make sure you have the python 3 version installed distutils- extra
sudo apt-get install python3-
Also, if you can, better build and install the debian packages. If you want/have to build from source, get it from our bazaar repository to catch all the latest fixes.
Install (most) build dependencies:
sudo apt-get build-dep onboard
If this fails on Zorin OS you'll have to install them manually. The required packages are listed in debian/control.
Then get the source, build packages and install them:
bzr branch lp:onboard
cd onboard
debuild binary
sudo dpkg -i ../onboard*.deb