The other thing is "Failsafe Gnome" seems to make little since, and doesn't work.
/usr/share/xsessions/gnome-failsafe.desktop says "This session logs you into GNOME without user applications" ?
-) Failsafe Gnome is not very descriptive
-) The description is only found in the .desktop file or any application that reads that descritpion (but GDM does not)
-) The description doesn't tell me this is Gnome not starting up any startup services
* I saw it as though Gnome without the ability to run any applications
The other thing is "Failsafe Gnome" seems to make little since, and doesn't work.
/usr/share/ xsessions/ gnome-failsafe. desktop says "This session logs you into GNOME without user applications" ?
-) Failsafe Gnome is not very descriptive
-) The description is only found in the .desktop file or any application that reads that descritpion (but GDM does not)
-) The description doesn't tell me this is Gnome not starting up any startup services
* I saw it as though Gnome without the ability to run any applications
Will propose new name & description in patch.