I see that all the individual bugs have been verified, but has the test plan documented on *this* bug been carried out? That is:
[Test case]
For these CPU series, RPL/ADL/TGL/CML/CFL/KBL, the following tests will be run on machines in the CI lab:
1. Run stress-ng, and observe the temperature/frequency/power with s-tui
- Temperatures should stay just below trip values
- Power/performance profiles should stay roughly the same between old thermald and new thermald (unless specifically expected eg: to fix premature/insufficient throttling)
2. check if thermald could read rules from /dev/acpi_thermal_rel and generate the xml file on /etc/thermald/ correctly.
- this depends on if acpi_thermal_rel exist.
- if the machine suppots acpi_thermal_rel, the "thermal-conf.xml.auto"
could be landed in etc/thermald/.
- if not, the user-defined xml could be created, then jump to (3).
- run thermald with --loglevel=debug, and compare the log with xml.auto file. check if the configuration could be parsed correctly.
3. check if theramd-conf.xml and thermal-cpu-cdev-order.xml can be loaded correctly.
- run thermald with --loglevel=debug, and compare the log with xml files.
- if parsed correctly, the configurations from XML files would appear in the log.
4. Run unit tests, the scripts are under test folder, using emul_temp to simulate the High temperatue and check thermald would throttle CPU through the related cooling device.
- rapl.sh
- intel_pstate.sh
- powerclamp.sh
- processor.sh
5. check if the power/frequency would be throttled once the temperature reach the trip-points of thermal zone.
6. check if system would be throttled even the temperature is under the trip-points.
I see that all the individual bugs have been verified, but has the test plan documented on *this* bug been carried out? That is:
[Test case] TGL/CML/ CFL/KBL, the following tests will be run on machines in the CI lab:
For these CPU series, RPL/ADL/
1. Run stress-ng, and observe the temperature/ frequency/ power with s-tui insufficient throttling) thermal_ rel and generate the xml file on /etc/thermald/ correctly. conf.xml. auto" cpu-cdev- order.xml can be loaded correctly.
- Temperatures should stay just below trip values
- Power/performance profiles should stay roughly the same between old thermald and new thermald (unless specifically expected eg: to fix premature/
2. check if thermald could read rules from /dev/acpi_
- this depends on if acpi_thermal_rel exist.
- if the machine suppots acpi_thermal_rel, the "thermal-
could be landed in etc/thermald/.
- if not, the user-defined xml could be created, then jump to (3).
- run thermald with --loglevel=debug, and compare the log with xml.auto file. check if the configuration could be parsed correctly.
3. check if theramd-conf.xml and thermal-
- run thermald with --loglevel=debug, and compare the log with xml files.
- if parsed correctly, the configurations from XML files would appear in the log.
4. Run unit tests, the scripts are under test folder, using emul_temp to simulate the High temperatue and check thermald would throttle CPU through the related cooling device.
- rapl.sh
- intel_pstate.sh
- powerclamp.sh
- processor.sh
5. check if the power/frequency would be throttled once the temperature reach the trip-points of thermal zone.
6. check if system would be throttled even the temperature is under the trip-points.