Same problem with Legion 5 pro, 5800H+3070.
This guy claims that after 'upgrading to Kernel 5.10', 'Blacklisting noveau drivers', 'changing the .conf file' and 'adding modules in initramfs', brightness control works.
Will try this later. So far I have tried changing .conf and adding modules in initramfs and it didn't work.
Same problem with Legion 5 pro, 5800H+3070.
https:/ /www.reddit. com/r/GamingLap tops/comments/ ls9k5r/ legion_ 5_pro_other_ info_64gb_ ram_upgrade_ linux/
This guy claims that after 'upgrading to Kernel 5.10', 'Blacklisting noveau drivers', 'changing the .conf file' and 'adding modules in initramfs', brightness control works. https:/ /www.notion. so/Legion- 5-Pro-Regolith- Important- Steps-2c468d1b3 3cc481dbd92d5ea 59a6b74b
Will try this later. So far I have tried changing .conf and adding modules in initramfs and it didn't work.