Comment 2 for bug 914670

Revision history for this message
Benoit Guillot - (benoit-guillot-z) wrote :

Hello Ravish,

Sorry for the late reply.

The client needs to recompute the expected date of the incomming by changing the date of the move lines.
He needs to have the good expected date on each lines (the date can be different from a move line to an other) without spliting the picking.

The fields function max_date and min_date should be updated when the expected date of one of the move lines changes.

In our case we created a button to recompute the date expected of the move line if the supplier has a shortage on a product.
Then when the date expected of the move line is recompute due to that shortage, the date expected of the incomming should be recompute too. Currently the date of the incomming doesn't change.

Best regards,
