I have completely read your bur report but I am not understand why you need a service type product as a "Make to stock".
As per my knowledge always service type product are "Make to Order". How can you stock your service ;-) I am not understand this.
So would you please provide proper real time use case where we used a service product as a "Make to stock" (procure method).
So If service product are always "Make to order" then it's fine, If we have select "Make to stock" procure method for service type product and it will return False.
Hello Yann,
I have completely read your bur report but I am not understand why you need a service type product as a "Make to stock".
As per my knowledge always service type product are "Make to Order". How can you stock your service ;-) I am not understand this.
So would you please provide proper real time use case where we used a service product as a "Make to stock" (procure method).
So If service product are always "Make to order" then it's fine, If we have select "Make to stock" procure method for service type product and it will return False.
Thanks and waiting for your reply!