I know it has some dynamic in the run-time.
However, FcitxIMEContext, IBusIMEContext and IMEContextFactory are fixed in compile-time.
I don't think you can add HIME support in the run-time.
Instead, you have to add HimeIMEContext class, modify IMEContextFactory and compile the code again.
I won't reply "I know better" argument.
For the patch: /code.launchpad .net/~wengxt/ nux/fcitx- support/ +merge/ 114085/ +preview- diff/+files/ preview. diff
I know it has some dynamic in the run-time.
However, FcitxIMEContext, IBusIMEContext and IMEContextFactory are fixed in compile-time.
I don't think you can add HIME support in the run-time.
Instead, you have to add HimeIMEContext class, modify IMEContextFactory and compile the code again.