Problem: Using log4net with newer versions of nunit means that no
log file is created.
Demonstration follows.
I created the solution in VS 2008.
The OS is Windows XP.
I tested using both the nunit GUI and console.
I compared Nunit 2.2.5 with 2.5.5 (I suspect 2.5.0 will fail as well.)
The solution is created as a console app.
When the app is run as a console application a Log file is produced.
When the app is run using 2.2.5 a Log file is produced.
When the app is run using 2.5.5 no Log file is produced.
There are two files in the solution: Log.config and Program.cs
Problem: Using log4net with newer versions of nunit means that no
log file is created.
Demonstration follows.
I created the solution in VS 2008.
The OS is Windows XP.
I tested using both the nunit GUI and console.
I compared Nunit 2.2.5 with 2.5.5 (I suspect 2.5.0 will fail as well.)
The solution is created as a console app.
When the app is run as a console application a Log file is produced.
When the app is run using 2.2.5 a Log file is produced.
When the app is run using 2.5.5 no Log file is produced.
There are two files in the solution: Log.config and Program.cs
Following comes from a file name "Log.config"
------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ----
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<log4net debug="false">
<appender name="DefaultLo gFile" type="log4net. Appender. RollingFileAppe nder"> staticLogFileNa me value="false" /> '.'yyyyMMdd' .log'" /> Layout. PatternLayout" >
<file value=".\Log" />
<appendToFile value="false" />
<rollingStyle value="Date" />
<datePattern value="
<layout type="log4net.
<root> File" /> ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ----
<level value="All" />
<appender-ref ref="DefaultLog
Following is Program.cs
------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ----
using System;
using System.Reflection;
using NUnit.Framework;
[assembly: log4net. Config. XmlConfigurator Attribute( ConfigFile = "Log.config", Watch = true)]
namespace TestNunitLog4net LogManager. GetLogger(
MethodBase .GetCurrentMeth od().DeclaringT ype);
public class Program
private static readonly log4net.ILog log
= log4net.
// Test scenarios
// Test 1: Works - log show up (gui and console)
// log4net:
// Nunit:
// Test 2: Fails - no log file (gui and console)
// log4net:
// Nunit:
// Following has no impact.
// It exists just so we can see it in log.
private readonly String exeType;
static void Main()
Program p = new Program("Exe");
private Program(String stype)
this.exeType = stype;
public Program()
this.exeType = "Nunit";
[Test] Debug(exeType + ": First line"); Debug(exeType + ": Second line");
public void TestLog()
} // End of class ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------
} // End of namespace