Comment 4 for bug 1082330

Revision history for this message
Charlie Poole (charlie.poole) wrote :

My intent in 3.0 is that multiple instances (and possibly comma-separated values in a single instance) should cause the test to run multiple times, using each of the cultures specified. So, [SetCulture("en-US"), SetCulture("fr-FR")] would run the test twice, once using the US English culture and once using French.

Comma-separated values are an easy alternative syntax requiring less typing.

A few added considerations...

1. For 3.0, I'd actually prefer to change the name from SetCulture to Culture, but there is already a Culture attribute with different semantics. I have a plan for this and I'll publish it for review shortly.

2. Everything stated about SetCulture also applies to SetUICulture.

3. Probably I should go ahead and apply the 2.6/nunitlite solution to 3.0 first, planning on moving to a more permanent solution later.
