Comment 0 for bug 336441

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Jack Coulter (jscinoz) wrote :

When Network Access Point local service is enabled, and dnsmasq is used as the DHCP server, it appears to attempt to bind to interfaces other than the bluetooth PAN bridge (ifname panX where X = 0-255)

This causes conflicts if dnsmasq is already running for other purposes. I get the following error:

"dnsmasq: failed to bind listening socket for ::1: Address already in use"

For example, virt-manager uses dnsmasq, but binds only to virbr0, and thus can coexist with dnsmasq running on other interfaces. I also have another instance of dnsmasq running and bound to eth0, wlan0, this coexists with the instance listening on virbr0.

Blueman should pass --interface=panX when it runs dnsmasq to avoid conflicts with a listening DHCP server on other interfaces