commit 059dc01ae027f00ffffbaa9ee8a3c958031829ce
Author: Lee Yarwood <email address hidden>
Date: Fri Nov 15 09:57:27 2019 +0000
block_device: Copy original volume_type when missing for snapshot based volumes
Attempts to launch an instance from an encrypted volume snapshot would
previously fail if a volume_type was not specified in the
block_device_mapping of the boot request.
To avoid such failures DriverVolSnapshotBlockDevice will now attempt to
lookup and use the volume_type of the original volume that the snapshot
is based on. This should allow the eventual volume creation request
based on the snapshot to succeed in cases where a volume_type is
required but not provided in the boot request.
Conflicts: nova/virt/
NOTE(lyarwood): Due to I30a49c9e085cffc071d0ba332db67945e116bc80 not
being present in stable/train.
Closes-Bug: #1853495
Change-Id: Ic749c49e227e41732dbe04acea303b303acd264a
(cherry picked from commit 5679a0bf99c17ff336fa520c9cdfad5156c6c9d2)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. opendev. org/696683 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ nova/commit/ ?id=059dc01ae02 7f00ffffbaa9ee8 a3c958031829ce
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Zuul
Branch: stable/train
commit 059dc01ae027f00 ffffbaa9ee8a3c9 58031829ce
Author: Lee Yarwood <email address hidden>
Date: Fri Nov 15 09:57:27 2019 +0000
block_device: Copy original volume_type when missing for snapshot based volumes
Attempts to launch an instance from an encrypted volume snapshot would device_ mapping of the boot request.
previously fail if a volume_type was not specified in the
To avoid such failures DriverVolSnapsh otBlockDevice will now attempt to
lookup and use the volume_type of the original volume that the snapshot
is based on. This should allow the eventual volume creation request
based on the snapshot to succeed in cases where a volume_type is
required but not provided in the boot request.
nova/ virt/block_ device. py
NOTE(lyarwood): Due to I30a49c9e085cff c071d0ba332db67 945e116bc80 not
being present in stable/train.
Closes-Bug: #1853495 732dbe04acea303 b303acd264a 336fa520c9cdfad 5156c6c9d2)
Change-Id: Ic749c49e227e41
(cherry picked from commit 5679a0bf99c17ff