This adds a regression test in our post test hook. We are not able to
do a similar test in the unit or functional tests because SQLite does
not provide any isolation between transactions on the same database
connection [1] and the bug can only be reproduced with the isolation
that is present when using a real MySQL database.
NOTE(melwitt): The differences from the Train change is because change
If133b12bf02d708c099504a88b474dce0bdb0f00 is not in Stein. We need to
pass the cell1 config to the archive command because we don't have
Change-Id: I204361d6ff7c2323bc744878d8a9fa2d20a480b1
(cherry picked from commit 7c41365f193fd5b08d0174b6cd8e349ac95b7907)
(cherry picked from commit 73b6cb897ecbfe95e50eee632e5e6f5b5c29f7c4)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. opendev. org/692906 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ nova/commit/ ?id=844209b064a b4fd4d66ec8d9fc 7dc106ae6d6d4b
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Zuul
Branch: stable/stein
commit 844209b064ab4fd 4d66ec8d9fc7dc1 06ae6d6d4b
Author: melanie witt <email address hidden>
Date: Fri Oct 11 20:58:03 2019 +0000
Add regression test for bug 1824435
This adds a regression test in our post test hook. We are not able to
do a similar test in the unit or functional tests because SQLite does
not provide any isolation between transactions on the same database
connection [1] and the bug can only be reproduced with the isolation
that is present when using a real MySQL database.
Related-Bug: #1824435
[1] https:/ /www.sqlite. org/isolation. html
NOTE(melwitt): The differences from the Train change is because change 2d708c099504a88 b474dce0bdb0f00 is not in Stein. We need to
pass the cell1 config to the archive command because we don't have
Change-Id: I204361d6ff7c23 23bc744878d8a9f a2d20a480b1 08d0174b6cd8e34 9ac95b7907) 5e50eee632e5e6f 5b5c29f7c4)
(cherry picked from commit 7c41365f193fd5b
(cherry picked from commit 73b6cb897ecbfe9