When shelving a server and saving its new SHELVING task state, we
expect the current task state to be None and do not handle any
UnexpectedTaskStateError exceptions that the database layer may throw
at us. In those cases, we return an error 500 to the user, when in
actuality an error 409 conflict would be more appropriate. This
patch makes the API layer handle UnexpectedTaskStateError exceptions
and return a 409 to the user.
NOTE(artom) Conflict in imports in
nova/tests/unit/api/openstack/compute/test_shelve.py due to using
oslo's uuidsentinel as of 8e1ca5bf34f924b9a23ddbcf31ae727a7dcacb20 in
Closes-bug: 1850694
Change-Id: Ie0b421cd5d3a5781c1dd09fab4ed013ece0f939d
(cherry picked from commit a423d8b27785623550f401a200b68ca926c0a119)
(cherry picked from commit 32dbd2f585ef1902478170f3a1153b1f71e81db3)
(cherry picked from commit 8ee59604dcd9f770286f54e3a39c80f54413c358)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. opendev. org/692631 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ nova/commit/ ?id=a90fe195120 0ebd27fe74788c0 a96c01104ac2cf
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Zuul
Branch: stable/rocky
commit a90fe1951200ebd 27fe74788c0a96c 01104ac2cf
Author: Artom Lifshitz <email address hidden>
Date: Wed Oct 30 14:03:49 2019 -0400
Avoid error 500 on shelve task_state race
When shelving a server and saving its new SHELVING task state, we askStateError exceptions that the database layer may throw tateError exceptions
expect the current task state to be None and do not handle any
at us. In those cases, we return an error 500 to the user, when in
actuality an error 409 conflict would be more appropriate. This
patch makes the API layer handle UnexpectedTaskS
and return a 409 to the user.
NOTE(artom) Conflict in imports in tests/unit/ api/openstack/ compute/ test_shelve. py due to using 9a23ddbcf31ae72 7a7dcacb20 in
oslo's uuidsentinel as of 8e1ca5bf34f924b
Closes-bug: 1850694 81c1dd09fab4ed0 13ece0f939d 550f401a200b68c a926c0a119) 2478170f3a1153b 1f71e81db3) 0286f54e3a39c80 f54413c358)
Change-Id: Ie0b421cd5d3a57
(cherry picked from commit a423d8b27785623
(cherry picked from commit 32dbd2f585ef190
(cherry picked from commit 8ee59604dcd9f77