I found this bug while trying to recreate bug 1825018 with a functional test.
The fill_virtual_interface_list online data migration creates a fake mostly empty instance record to satisfy a foreign key constraint in the virtual_interfaces table which is used as a marker when paging across cells to fulfill the migration. The problem is if you list deleted servers (as admin) with the all_tenants=1 and deleted=1 filters, the API will fail with a 500 error trying to load the instance.flavor field:
b'2019-04-16 15:08:53,720 ERROR [nova.api.openstack.wsgi] Unexpected exception in API method'
b'Traceback (most recent call last):'
b' File "/home/osboxes/git/nova/.tox/functional-py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/urllib3/connectionpool.py", line 377, in _make_request'
b' httplib_response = conn.getresponse(buffering=True)'
b"TypeError: getresponse() got an unexpected keyword argument 'buffering'"
b'During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:'
b'Traceback (most recent call last):'
b' File "/home/osboxes/git/nova/nova/api/openstack/wsgi.py", line 671, in wrapped'
b' return f(*args, **kwargs)'
b' File "/home/osboxes/git/nova/nova/api/validation/__init__.py", line 192, in wrapper'
b' return func(*args, **kwargs)'
b' File "/home/osboxes/git/nova/nova/api/validation/__init__.py", line 192, in wrapper'
b' return func(*args, **kwargs)'
b' File "/home/osboxes/git/nova/nova/api/validation/__init__.py", line 192, in wrapper'
b' return func(*args, **kwargs)'
b' File "/home/osboxes/git/nova/nova/api/openstack/compute/servers.py", line 136, in detail'
b' servers = self._get_servers(req, is_detail=True)'
b' File "/home/osboxes/git/nova/nova/api/openstack/compute/servers.py", line 330, in _get_servers'
b' req, instance_list, cell_down_support=cell_down_support)'
b' File "/home/osboxes/git/nova/nova/api/openstack/compute/views/servers.py", line 390, in detail'
b' cell_down_support=cell_down_support)'
b' File "/home/osboxes/git/nova/nova/api/openstack/compute/views/servers.py", line 425, in _list_view'
b' for server in servers]'
b' File "/home/osboxes/git/nova/nova/api/openstack/compute/views/servers.py", line 425, in <listcomp>'
b' for server in servers]'
b' File "/home/osboxes/git/nova/nova/api/openstack/compute/views/servers.py", line 222, in show'
b' show_extra_specs),'
b' File "/home/osboxes/git/nova/nova/api/openstack/compute/views/servers.py", line 494, in _get_flavor'
b' instance_type = instance.get_flavor()'
b' File "/home/osboxes/git/nova/nova/objects/instance.py", line 1191, in get_flavor'
b' return getattr(self, attr)'
b' File "/home/osboxes/git/nova/.tox/functional-py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/oslo_versionedobjects/base.py", line 67, in getter'
b' self.obj_load_attr(name)'
b' File "/home/osboxes/git/nova/nova/objects/instance.py", line 1114, in obj_load_attr'
b' self._obj_load_attr(attrname)'
b' File "/home/osboxes/git/nova/nova/objects/instance.py", line 1158, in _obj_load_attr'
b' self._load_flavor()'
b' File "/home/osboxes/git/nova/nova/objects/instance.py", line 967, in _load_flavor'
b' self.flavor = instance.flavor'
b' File "/home/osboxes/git/nova/.tox/functional-py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/oslo_versionedobjects/base.py", line 67, in getter'
b' self.obj_load_attr(name)'
b' File "/home/osboxes/git/nova/nova/objects/instance.py", line 1101, in obj_load_attr'
b' objtype=self.obj_name())'
b'nova.exception.OrphanedObjectError: Cannot call obj_load_attr on orphaned Instance object'
b'2019-04-16 15:08:53,722 INFO [nova.api.openstack.wsgi] HTTP exception thrown: Unexpected API Error. Please report this at http://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/ and attach the Nova API log if possible.'
b"<class 'nova.exception.OrphanedObjectError'>"
b'2019-04-16 15:08:53,723 INFO [nova.api.openstack.requestlog] "GET /v2.1/6f70656e737461636b20342065766572/servers/detail?all_tenants=1&deleted=1" status: 500 len: 208 microversion: 2.1 time: 0.138964'
I found this bug while trying to recreate bug 1825018 with a functional test.
The fill_virtual_ interface_ list online data migration creates a fake mostly empty instance record to satisfy a foreign key constraint in the virtual_interfaces table which is used as a marker when paging across cells to fulfill the migration. The problem is if you list deleted servers (as admin) with the all_tenants=1 and deleted=1 filters, the API will fail with a 500 error trying to load the instance.flavor field:
b'2019-04-16 15:08:53,720 ERROR [nova.api. openstack. wsgi] Unexpected exception in API method' osboxes/ git/nova/ .tox/functional -py36/lib/ python3. 6/site- packages/ urllib3/ connectionpool. py", line 377, in _make_request' e(buffering= True)' osboxes/ git/nova/ nova/api/ openstack/ wsgi.py" , line 671, in wrapped' osboxes/ git/nova/ nova/api/ validation/ __init_ _.py", line 192, in wrapper' osboxes/ git/nova/ nova/api/ validation/ __init_ _.py", line 192, in wrapper' osboxes/ git/nova/ nova/api/ validation/ __init_ _.py", line 192, in wrapper' osboxes/ git/nova/ nova/api/ openstack/ compute/ servers. py", line 136, in detail' servers( req, is_detail=True)' osboxes/ git/nova/ nova/api/ openstack/ compute/ servers. py", line 330, in _get_servers' support= cell_down_ support) ' osboxes/ git/nova/ nova/api/ openstack/ compute/ views/servers. py", line 390, in detail' support= cell_down_ support) ' osboxes/ git/nova/ nova/api/ openstack/ compute/ views/servers. py", line 425, in _list_view' osboxes/ git/nova/ nova/api/ openstack/ compute/ views/servers. py", line 425, in <listcomp>' osboxes/ git/nova/ nova/api/ openstack/ compute/ views/servers. py", line 222, in show' osboxes/ git/nova/ nova/api/ openstack/ compute/ views/servers. py", line 494, in _get_flavor' get_flavor( )' osboxes/ git/nova/ nova/objects/ instance. py", line 1191, in get_flavor' osboxes/ git/nova/ .tox/functional -py36/lib/ python3. 6/site- packages/ oslo_versionedo bjects/ base.py" , line 67, in getter' load_attr( name)' osboxes/ git/nova/ nova/objects/ instance. py", line 1114, in obj_load_attr' load_attr( attrname) ' osboxes/ git/nova/ nova/objects/ instance. py", line 1158, in _obj_load_attr' flavor( )' osboxes/ git/nova/ nova/objects/ instance. py", line 967, in _load_flavor' osboxes/ git/nova/ .tox/functional -py36/lib/ python3. 6/site- packages/ oslo_versionedo bjects/ base.py" , line 67, in getter' load_attr( name)' osboxes/ git/nova/ nova/objects/ instance. py", line 1101, in obj_load_attr' self.obj_ name()) ' exception. OrphanedObjectE rror: Cannot call obj_load_attr on orphaned Instance object' openstack. wsgi] HTTP exception thrown: Unexpected API Error. Please report this at http:// bugs.launchpad. net/nova/ and attach the Nova API log if possible.' .OrphanedObject Error'> " openstack. requestlog] "GET /v2.1/6f70656e7 37461636b203420 65766572/ servers/ detail? all_tenants= 1&deleted= 1" status: 500 len: 208 microversion: 2.1 time: 0.138964'
b'Traceback (most recent call last):'
b' File "/home/
b' httplib_response = conn.getrespons
b"TypeError: getresponse() got an unexpected keyword argument 'buffering'"
b'During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:'
b'Traceback (most recent call last):'
b' File "/home/
b' return f(*args, **kwargs)'
b' File "/home/
b' return func(*args, **kwargs)'
b' File "/home/
b' return func(*args, **kwargs)'
b' File "/home/
b' return func(*args, **kwargs)'
b' File "/home/
b' servers = self._get_
b' File "/home/
b' req, instance_list, cell_down_
b' File "/home/
b' cell_down_
b' File "/home/
b' for server in servers]'
b' File "/home/
b' for server in servers]'
b' File "/home/
b' show_extra_specs),'
b' File "/home/
b' instance_type = instance.
b' File "/home/
b' return getattr(self, attr)'
b' File "/home/
b' self.obj_
b' File "/home/
b' self._obj_
b' File "/home/
b' self._load_
b' File "/home/
b' self.flavor = instance.flavor'
b' File "/home/
b' self.obj_
b' File "/home/
b' objtype=
b'2019-04-16 15:08:53,722 INFO [nova.api.
b"<class 'nova.exception
b'2019-04-16 15:08:53,723 INFO [nova.api.