When resizing a server that was not created in an explicit
zone, the scheduler can pick a host in another zone and
conductor will update the instance.availability_zone value
for the new dest host zone.
The problem is when reverting the resize, the server goes
back to the original source host/zone but the
instance.availability_zone value in the database is not
updated which can lead to incorrect results when listing
servers and filtering by zone.
This adds a functional recreate test for the bug.
Change-Id: Ib107650d6a2c991c26b646a0dd10ddc7a3fb7e56
Related-Bug: #1819963
(cherry picked from commit 73aaead294b9df412305abb1cb01aac95477bcc1)
(cherry picked from commit 0b2345442dfc99586c1e2b5ca13c54fe8045e5c8)
(cherry picked from commit 440c0fb0ad7b127dfdcfb7302e0e31fa41d5255a)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/648414 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ nova/commit/ ?id=1b15a342e3e 174af745274ca62 185e7e8f7f6cf9
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Zuul
Branch: stable/queens
commit 1b15a342e3e174a f745274ca62185e 7e8f7f6cf9
Author: Matt Riedemann <email address hidden>
Date: Wed Mar 13 15:53:09 2019 -0400
Add functional recreate test for bug 1819963
When resizing a server that was not created in an explicit availability_ zone value
zone, the scheduler can pick a host in another zone and
conductor will update the instance.
for the new dest host zone.
The problem is when reverting the resize, the server goes availability_ zone value in the database is not
back to the original source host/zone but the
updated which can lead to incorrect results when listing
servers and filtering by zone.
This adds a functional recreate test for the bug.
Change-Id: Ib107650d6a2c99 1c26b646a0dd10d dc7a3fb7e56 12305abb1cb01aa c95477bcc1) 86c1e2b5ca13c54 fe8045e5c8) dfdcfb7302e0e31 fa41d5255a)
Related-Bug: #1819963
(cherry picked from commit 73aaead294b9df4
(cherry picked from commit 0b2345442dfc995
(cherry picked from commit 440c0fb0ad7b127