commit 8e130e2be7c2eb604d53fd6053254c6b54d47524
Author: Lee Yarwood <email address hidden>
Date: Fri Feb 15 16:26:23 2019 +0000
Use migration_status during volume migrating and retyping
When swapping volumes Nova has to identify if the swap itself is related
to an underlying migration or retype of the volume by Cinder. Nova
would previously use the status of the volume to determine if the volume
was retyping or migrating.
However in the migration case where a volume is moved directly between
hosts the volume is never given a status of migrating by Cinder leading
to Nova never calling the os-migrate_volume_completion cinder API to
complete the migration.
This change switches Nova to use the migration_status of the volume to
ensure that this API is called for both retypes and migrations.
Change-Id: I1bdf3431bda2da98380e0dcaa9f952e6768ca3af
Closes-bug: #1803961
(cherry picked from commit 53c3cfa7a02d684ce27800e22e00a816af44c510)
(cherry picked from commit 91282f879cb453e4baa6c6decb4fff849c7a1b2a)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. opendev. org/657577 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ nova/commit/ ?id=8e130e2be7c 2eb604d53fd6053 254c6b54d47524
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Zuul
Branch: stable/rocky
commit 8e130e2be7c2eb6 04d53fd6053254c 6b54d47524
Author: Lee Yarwood <email address hidden>
Date: Fri Feb 15 16:26:23 2019 +0000
Use migration_status during volume migrating and retyping
When swapping volumes Nova has to identify if the swap itself is related
to an underlying migration or retype of the volume by Cinder. Nova
would previously use the status of the volume to determine if the volume
was retyping or migrating.
However in the migration case where a volume is moved directly between volume_ completion cinder API to
hosts the volume is never given a status of migrating by Cinder leading
to Nova never calling the os-migrate_
complete the migration.
This change switches Nova to use the migration_status of the volume to
ensure that this API is called for both retypes and migrations.
Depends-On: https:/ /review. openstack. org/#/c/ 639331/ 98380e0dcaa9f95 2e6768ca3af ce27800e22e00a8 16af44c510) 4baa6c6decb4fff 849c7a1b2a)
Change-Id: I1bdf3431bda2da
Closes-bug: #1803961
(cherry picked from commit 53c3cfa7a02d684
(cherry picked from commit 91282f879cb453e