libvirt: set device address tag only if setting disk unit
In Pike, we began setting disk unit values manually for the
'virtio-scsi' controller model in order to allow up to 256 devices [1].
We do this by setting the disk unit of the address tag manually for the
guest config. If we do not set the address tag manually, libvirt would
autogenerate it for us.
A problem occurs when a user has a SCSI disk that is a volume or isn't
using the 'virtio-scsi' controller model because we're not guarding our
manual setting of the address tag in the guest config by the disk unit,
in addition to the SCSI bus. This means that for a SCSI volume, we
generate an address tag like '<address type="drive" controller="0"/>'
for any SCSI volume, so a user with more than one device will get the
following error when they try to boot an instance:
Failed to start libvirt guest: libvirtError: unsupported configuration: Found duplicate drive address for disk with target name
'sda' controller='0' bus='0' target='0' unit='0'
This updates the conditionals to only manually set the address tag if
the bus is SCSI _and_ the disk unit has been specified. Otherwise, let
libvirt autogenerate the address tag and take care of avoiding
NOTE(melwitt): The difference in from the Stein
backport is because change I28c5bc23c0ea60d64153472d8937965f60f907c4
is not in Rocky.
Change-Id: Iefab05e84ccc0bf8f15bdbbf515a290d282dbc5d
(cherry picked from commit 48fd81648a7cadf2d147a6beabac067c28b288b0)
(cherry picked from commit 7500c1910cf1cbe16ee48028b67aa919160f44da)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. opendev. org/653511 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ nova/commit/ ?id=87032825089 54596e1d0413408 78c636693d8f5f
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Zuul
Branch: stable/rocky
commit 870328250895459 6e1d041340878c6 36693d8f5f
Author: melanie witt <email address hidden>
Date: Fri Oct 19 22:06:20 2018 +0000
libvirt: set device address tag only if setting disk unit
In Pike, we began setting disk unit values manually for the
'virtio-scsi' controller model in order to allow up to 256 devices [1].
We do this by setting the disk unit of the address tag manually for the
guest config. If we do not set the address tag manually, libvirt would
autogenerate it for us.
A problem occurs when a user has a SCSI disk that is a volume or isn't
using the 'virtio-scsi' controller model because we're not guarding our
manual setting of the address tag in the guest config by the disk unit,
in addition to the SCSI bus. This means that for a SCSI volume, we
generate an address tag like '<address type="drive" controller="0"/>'
for any SCSI volume, so a user with more than one device will get the
following error when they try to boot an instance:
Failed to start libvirt guest: libvirtError: unsupported
configuration: Found duplicate drive address for disk with target name
'sda' controller='0' bus='0' target='0' unit='0'
This updates the conditionals to only manually set the address tag if
the bus is SCSI _and_ the disk unit has been specified. Otherwise, let
libvirt autogenerate the address tag and take care of avoiding
[1] https:/ /bugs.launchpad .net/nova/ +bug/1686116
Closes-Bug: #1792077
NOTE(melwitt): The difference in test_imagebacke from the Stein d64153472d89379 65f60f907c4
backport is because change I28c5bc23c0ea60
is not in Rocky.
Change-Id: Iefab05e84ccc0b f8f15bdbbf515a2 90d282dbc5d 2d147a6beabac06 7c28b288b0) 16ee48028b67aa9 19160f44da)
(cherry picked from commit 48fd81648a7cadf
(cherry picked from commit 7500c1910cf1cbe