commit f223c443b5b64f4385f128fa3b93cac25ea3e1f5
Author: Matt Riedemann <email address hidden>
Date: Thu Jan 24 17:11:06 2019 -0500
Add retry_on_deadlock to migration_update DB API
Lots of different things can be updating the same migration
record at the same time (different computes, the API, etc)
and we see DBDeadlock errors on migration_update at times
(and operators that do a lot of migrations have mentioned it
also) so this change simply adds the retry_on_deadlock decorator
to the migration_update DB API method.
Change-Id: I98bbe96e4be5326e18ef2c2ac50c0d24993d52ec
Closes-Bug: #1642537
(cherry picked from commit 74f9bba9c7ac27df8f73d11fc317649ae22040fb)
(cherry picked from commit 99b3f44eb138b02bd5e967cbbb1574ebcdbc6cc5)
(cherry picked from commit 1f83d773a436c41709b5d6b30a51c979bb935fa2)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. opendev. org/712212 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ nova/commit/ ?id=f223c443b5b 64f4385f128fa3b 93cac25ea3e1f5
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Zuul
Branch: stable/queens
commit f223c443b5b64f4 385f128fa3b93ca c25ea3e1f5
Author: Matt Riedemann <email address hidden>
Date: Thu Jan 24 17:11:06 2019 -0500
Add retry_on_deadlock to migration_update DB API
Lots of different things can be updating the same migration
record at the same time (different computes, the API, etc)
and we see DBDeadlock errors on migration_update at times
(and operators that do a lot of migrations have mentioned it
also) so this change simply adds the retry_on_deadlock decorator
to the migration_update DB API method.
Change-Id: I98bbe96e4be532 6e18ef2c2ac50c0 d24993d52ec f8f73d11fc31764 9ae22040fb) bd5e967cbbb1574 ebcdbc6cc5) 709b5d6b30a51c9 79bb935fa2)
Closes-Bug: #1642537
(cherry picked from commit 74f9bba9c7ac27d
(cherry picked from commit 99b3f44eb138b02
(cherry picked from commit 1f83d773a436c41