commit 1aca09b966a64520844d503f634b5f95a395001f
Author: Lee Yarwood <email address hidden>
Date: Thu May 27 16:47:26 2021 +0100
libvirt: Do not destroy volume secrets during _hard_reboot
Ia2007bc63ef09931ea0197cef29d6a5614ed821a unfortunately missed that
resume_state_on_host_boot calls down into _hard_reboot always removing
volume secrets rendering that change useless.
This change seeks to address this by using the destroy_secrets kwarg
introduced by I856268b371f7ba712b02189db3c927cd762a4dc3 within the
_hard_reboot method of the libvirt driver to ensure secrets are not
removed during a hard reboot.
This resolves the original issue in bug #1905701 *and* allows admins to
hard reboot a users instance when that instance has encrypted volumes
attached with secrets stored in Barbican. This latter use case being
something we can easily test within tempest unlike the compute reboot in bug #1905701.
This change is kept small as it should ideally be backported alongside
Ia2007bc63ef09931ea0197cef29d6a5614ed821a to stable/queens. Follow up
changes on master will improve formatting, doc text and introduce
functional tests to further validate this new behaviour of hard reboot
within the libvirt driver.
Closes-Bug: #1905701
Change-Id: I3d1b21ba6eb3f5eb728693197c24b4b315eef821
(cherry picked from commit 26d65fc882e42b824409dff87ff026dee1debe20)
(cherry picked from commit 9cac2a8822ab81b7a0aa1f5b4472b306e4b68f93)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. opendev. org/c/openstack /nova/+ /796260 /opendev. org/openstack/ nova/commit/ 1aca09b966a6452 0844d503f634b5f 95a395001f
Committed: https:/
Submitter: "Zuul (22348)"
Branch: stable/victoria
commit 1aca09b966a6452 0844d503f634b5f 95a395001f
Author: Lee Yarwood <email address hidden>
Date: Thu May 27 16:47:26 2021 +0100
libvirt: Do not destroy volume secrets during _hard_reboot
Ia2007bc63e f09931ea0197cef 29d6a5614ed821a unfortunately missed that state_on_ host_boot calls down into _hard_reboot always removing
volume secrets rendering that change useless.
This change seeks to address this by using the destroy_secrets kwarg 712b02189db3c92 7cd762a4dc3 within the
introduced by I856268b371f7ba
_hard_reboot method of the libvirt driver to ensure secrets are not
removed during a hard reboot.
This resolves the original issue in bug #1905701 *and* allows admins to
hard reboot a users instance when that instance has encrypted volumes
attached with secrets stored in Barbican. This latter use case being
something we can easily test within tempest unlike the compute reboot in
bug #1905701.
This change is kept small as it should ideally be backported alongside f09931ea0197cef 29d6a5614ed821a to stable/queens. Follow up
changes on master will improve formatting, doc text and introduce
functional tests to further validate this new behaviour of hard reboot
within the libvirt driver.
Closes-Bug: #1905701 eb728693197c24b 4b315eef821 24409dff87ff026 dee1debe20) 7a0aa1f5b4472b3 06e4b68f93)
Change-Id: I3d1b21ba6eb3f5
(cherry picked from commit 26d65fc882e42b8
(cherry picked from commit 9cac2a8822ab81b