commit 917b5d383829851c6cbf7583cd0f3640c8ba2b9a
Author: Matt Riedemann <email address hidden>
Date: Thu Nov 14 12:16:53 2019 -0500
Add functional recreate revert resize test for bug 1852610
This builds on I644608b4e197ddea31c5f264adb492f2c8931f04 and
adds a revert resize test which deletes the source compute service
while the server is in VERIFY_RESIZE status and then reverts the
resize. The results are a bit different from the confirm scenario
because the confirm fails while the revert actually works which
is more dumb luck based on where the compute service drops the
move claim during the revert process (on the dest which still exists
rather than the source).
NOTE(mriedem): The conflict is due to not having change
Iea283322124cb35fc0bc6d25f35548621e8c8c2f in Queens. As a result
the _resize_and_check_allocations method is added to
ProviderUsageBaseTestCase within
Change-Id: I2dcb1cb3e1f8ed469a4c5bf81ca5ca2fcf1fa73c
Related-Bug: #1852610
(cherry picked from commit f7dde6054e559752d8e9be044c32c0741f8f39c5)
(cherry picked from commit 3774952410f98bfde014bd9fdc0897d4a9a6c50f)
(cherry picked from commit 9983b2462401176db0c332f21bc8b24ba1d81503)
(cherry picked from commit b6b2b3a35e1b95463fac3bbb2acd51d905328a2c)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. opendev. org/699708 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ nova/commit/ ?id=917b5d38382 9851c6cbf7583cd 0f3640c8ba2b9a
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Zuul
Branch: stable/queens
commit 917b5d383829851 c6cbf7583cd0f36 40c8ba2b9a
Author: Matt Riedemann <email address hidden>
Date: Thu Nov 14 12:16:53 2019 -0500
Add functional recreate revert resize test for bug 1852610
This builds on I644608b4e197dd ea31c5f264adb49 2f2c8931f04 and
adds a revert resize test which deletes the source compute service
while the server is in VERIFY_RESIZE status and then reverts the
resize. The results are a bit different from the confirm scenario
because the confirm fails while the revert actually works which
is more dumb luck based on where the compute service drops the
move claim during the revert process (on the dest which still exists
rather than the source).
nova/ tests/functiona l/integrated_ helpers. py
NOTE(mriedem): The conflict is due to not having change 4cb35fc0bc6d25f 35548621e8c8c2f in Queens. As a result and_check_ allocations method is added to geBaseTestCase within
the _resize_
Change-Id: I2dcb1cb3e1f8ed 469a4c5bf81ca5c a2fcf1fa73c 2d8e9be044c32c0 741f8f39c5) de014bd9fdc0897 d4a9a6c50f) db0c332f21bc8b2 4ba1d81503) 63fac3bbb2acd51 d905328a2c)
Related-Bug: #1852610
(cherry picked from commit f7dde6054e55975
(cherry picked from commit 3774952410f98bf
(cherry picked from commit 9983b2462401176
(cherry picked from commit b6b2b3a35e1b954