commit a0290858b717b4cefd0d6fc17acc2b143ab12ac4
Author: Matt Riedemann <email address hidden>
Date: Thu Nov 14 14:19:26 2019 -0500
Block deleting compute services with in-progress migrations
This builds on I0bd63b655ad3d3d39af8d15c781ce0a45efc8e3a
which made DELETE /os-services/{service_id} fail with a 409
response if the host has instances on it. This change checks
for in-progress migrations involving the nodes on the host,
either as the source or destination nodes, and returns a 409
error response if any are found.
Failling to do this can lead to orphaned resource providers
in placement and also failing to properly confirm or revert
a pending resize or cold migration.
A release note is included for the (justified) behavior
change in the API. A new microversion should not be required
for this since admins should not have to opt out of broken
NOTE(mriedem): The conflict in is due to not
having change I9d257a003d315b84b937dcef91f3cb41f3e24b53 in Stein.
The conflict in is due to not having change
I4aac187283c2f341b5c2712be85f722156e14f63 or change
Ibeb16ce16263c43bad9f148480bbebca413d8117 in Stein. As a result
test_services does not use _confirm_resize but just inlines the
call and wait for ACTIVE status in the test. The conflict in is due to not having change
If32bca070185937ef83f689b7163d965a89ec10a in Stein.
Change-Id: I70e06c607045a1c0842f13069e51fef438012a9c
Closes-Bug: #1852610
(cherry picked from commit 92fed026103b47fa2a76ea09204a4ba24c21e191)
(cherry picked from commit a9650b3cbfc674e283964090fb64ac6297be5b78)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. opendev. org/695940 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ nova/commit/ ?id=a0290858b71 7b4cefd0d6fc17a cc2b143ab12ac4
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Zuul
Branch: stable/stein
commit a0290858b717b4c efd0d6fc17acc2b 143ab12ac4
Author: Matt Riedemann <email address hidden>
Date: Thu Nov 14 14:19:26 2019 -0500
Block deleting compute services with in-progress migrations
This builds on I0bd63b655ad3d3 d39af8d15c781ce 0a45efc8e3a {service_ id} fail with a 409
which made DELETE /os-services/
response if the host has instances on it. This change checks
for in-progress migrations involving the nodes on the host,
either as the source or destination nodes, and returns a 409
error response if any are found.
Failling to do this can lead to orphaned resource providers
in placement and also failing to properly confirm or revert
a pending resize or cold migration.
A release note is included for the (justified) behavior
change in the API. A new microversion should not be required
for this since admins should not have to opt out of broken
nova/ api/openstack/ compute/ services. py
nova/ tests/functiona l/integrated_ helpers. py
nova/ tests/functiona l/wsgi/ test_services. py
NOTE(mriedem): The conflict in is due to not 84b937dcef91f3c b41f3e24b53 in Stein. helpers. py is due to not having change c2f341b5c2712be 85f722156e14f63 or change 63c43bad9f14848 0bbebca413d8117 in Stein. As a result services. py is due to not having change 85937ef83f689b7 163d965a89ec10a in Stein.
having change I9d257a003d315b
The conflict in integrated_
test_services does not use _confirm_resize but just inlines the
call and wait for ACTIVE status in the test. The conflict in
Change-Id: I70e06c607045a1 c0842f13069e51f ef438012a9c a2a76ea09204a4b a24c21e191) 283964090fb64ac 6297be5b78)
Closes-Bug: #1852610
(cherry picked from commit 92fed026103b47f
(cherry picked from commit a9650b3cbfc674e