Avoid error state for recovered instances after failed migrations
Most users expect that if a live migration fails but the instance
is fully recovered, it shouldn't enter 'error' state. Setting
the migration status to 'error' should be enough. This simplifies
debugging, making it clear that the instance dosn't have to be
manually recovered.
This patch changed this behavior, indirectly affecting the Hyper-V
driver: Idfdce9e7dd8106af01db0358ada15737cb846395
We'll stop propagating exceptions when managing to recover the
instance, which matches the reference driver (libvirt) behavior.
Reviewed: https:/ /review. opendev. org/678480 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ compute- hyperv/ commit/ ?id=a721681e611 1d85264e20085d1 f184d1c923b69e
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Zuul
Branch: master
commit a721681e6111d85 264e20085d1f184 d1c923b69e
Author: Lucian Petrut <email address hidden>
Date: Mon Aug 26 10:28:37 2019 +0300
Avoid error state for recovered instances after failed migrations
Most users expect that if a live migration fails but the instance
is fully recovered, it shouldn't enter 'error' state. Setting
the migration status to 'error' should be enough. This simplifies
debugging, making it clear that the instance dosn't have to be
manually recovered.
This patch changed this behavior, indirectly affecting the Hyper-V af01db0358ada15 737cb846395
driver: Idfdce9e7dd8106
We'll stop propagating exceptions when managing to recover the
instance, which matches the reference driver (libvirt) behavior.
Change-Id: I4b667c06e008b0 3457d35ce9c920b 916d21c255f
Closes-Bug: 1841411