commit 7d0dd625d35a08d159b50154809a53e8444ae25c
Author: Neil Jerram <email address hidden>
Date: Sat Jan 26 21:22:33 2019 +0000
Allow utime call to fail on qcow2 image base file
This utime call sometimes fails, with EACCES (Permission Denied), when
the base file is on an NFS client filesystem. I don't understand why,
but wonder if it's a similar problem as the one that motivated using
touch instead of utime in ec9d5e375e2. In any case, IIUC, timing
isn't the primary thing that the image cache manager uses to determine
when the base file is in use. The primary mechanism for that is
whether there is a matching disk file for a current instance. The
timestamp on the base file is only used when deciding whether to
delete a base file that is _not_ in use; so it is not a big deal if
that deletion happens slightly earlier, for an unused base file,
because of one of these preceding utime calls having failed.
Closes-Bug: #1809123
Co-Authored-By: Matthew Booth <email address hidden>
Change-Id: Idc131ff426f1707150867030fa5a69b77a7fc832
(cherry picked from commit 362bba9011f8445285c3f72a0b00630163bfbc2f)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/643011 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ nova/commit/ ?id=7d0dd625d35 a08d159b5015480 9a53e8444ae25c
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Zuul
Branch: stable/rocky
commit 7d0dd625d35a08d 159b50154809a53 e8444ae25c
Author: Neil Jerram <email address hidden>
Date: Sat Jan 26 21:22:33 2019 +0000
Allow utime call to fail on qcow2 image base file
This utime call sometimes fails, with EACCES (Permission Denied), when
the base file is on an NFS client filesystem. I don't understand why,
but wonder if it's a similar problem as the one that motivated using
touch instead of utime in ec9d5e375e2. In any case, IIUC, timing
isn't the primary thing that the image cache manager uses to determine
when the base file is in use. The primary mechanism for that is
whether there is a matching disk file for a current instance. The
timestamp on the base file is only used when deciding whether to
delete a base file that is _not_ in use; so it is not a big deal if
that deletion happens slightly earlier, for an unused base file,
because of one of these preceding utime calls having failed.
Closes-Bug: #1809123 7150867030fa5a6 9b77a7fc832 285c3f72a0b0063 0163bfbc2f)
Co-Authored-By: Matthew Booth <email address hidden>
Change-Id: Idc131ff426f170
(cherry picked from commit 362bba9011f8445