commit 58d3ac01a041326a831d6799b217255881d825a7
Author: Dan Smith <email address hidden>
Date: Thu Dec 6 07:56:04 2018 -0800
Only warn about not having computes nodes once in rpcapi
When we instantiate the compute rpcapi, with upgrade_levels=auto,
we determine the minimum service version of nova-compute. If we
find no computes, we log a message. This may be known, if we are
starting at zero day and no computes have started, but may also
indicate a more serious problem. In either case, logging this once
per process (especially in the case of multi-worker, multi-module
services) is more than enough.
Change-Id: I3350026c872a548839b857c53529c1dbbb88091c
Related-Bug: #1807044
(cherry picked from commit 183f6238c1d98b04fdcee0fb70212f01f4012ae4)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/624677 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ nova/commit/ ?id=58d3ac01a04 1326a831d6799b2 17255881d825a7
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Zuul
Branch: stable/rocky
commit 58d3ac01a041326 a831d6799b21725 5881d825a7
Author: Dan Smith <email address hidden>
Date: Thu Dec 6 07:56:04 2018 -0800
Only warn about not having computes nodes once in rpcapi
When we instantiate the compute rpcapi, with upgrade_ levels= auto,
we determine the minimum service version of nova-compute. If we
find no computes, we log a message. This may be known, if we are
starting at zero day and no computes have started, but may also
indicate a more serious problem. In either case, logging this once
per process (especially in the case of multi-worker, multi-module
services) is more than enough.
Change-Id: I3350026c872a54 8839b857c53529c 1dbbb88091c 4fdcee0fb70212f 01f4012ae4)
Related-Bug: #1807044
(cherry picked from commit 183f6238c1d98b0