commit 57566f4c8d2929c25e76564883369a7c6eda720a
Author: Matt Riedemann <email address hidden>
Date: Tue Oct 16 16:23:54 2018 -0400
Ignore uuid if already set in ComputeNode.update_from_virt_driver
Change Ia69fabce8e7fd7de101e291fe133c6f5f5f7056a sets the
ComputeNode.uuid to whatever the virt driver reports if the
virt driver reports a uuid, like in the case of ironic.
However, that breaks upgrades for any pre-existing compute
node records which have a random uuid since ComputeNode.uuid
is a read-only field once set.
This change simply ignores the uuid from the virt driver
resources dict if the ComputeNode.uuid is already set.
The bug actually shows up in the ironic grenade CI job
logs in stable/rocky but didn't fail the nova-compute startup
because ComputeManager._update_available_resource_for_node()
catches and just logs the error, but it doesn't kill the service.
Change-Id: Id02f501feefca358d36f39b24d426537685e425c
Closes-Bug: #1798172
(cherry picked from commit 498413074d1f11688123b6b592d5c204dc7b5ef2)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/611337 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ nova/commit/ ?id=57566f4c8d2 929c25e76564883 369a7c6eda720a
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Zuul
Branch: stable/rocky
commit 57566f4c8d2929c 25e76564883369a 7c6eda720a
Author: Matt Riedemann <email address hidden>
Date: Tue Oct 16 16:23:54 2018 -0400
Ignore uuid if already set in ComputeNode. update_ from_virt_ driver
Change Ia69fabce8e7fd7 de101e291fe133c 6f5f5f7056a sets the .uuid to whatever the virt driver reports if the
virt driver reports a uuid, like in the case of ironic.
However, that breaks upgrades for any pre-existing compute
node records which have a random uuid since ComputeNode.uuid
is a read-only field once set.
This change simply ignores the uuid from the virt driver
resources dict if the ComputeNode.uuid is already set.
The bug actually shows up in the ironic grenade CI job _update_ available_ resource_ for_node( )
logs in stable/rocky but didn't fail the nova-compute startup
because ComputeManager.
catches and just logs the error, but it doesn't kill the service.
Change-Id: Id02f501feefca3 58d36f39b24d426 537685e425c 88123b6b592d5c2 04dc7b5ef2)
Closes-Bug: #1798172
(cherry picked from commit 498413074d1f116