This tests the scenario where an operator has upgraded from Ocata =>
Pike but has old, deleted services that share the same hostname with
currently existing, running services. The current behavior is that
ServiceTooOld is raised when we try to generate a UUID for the old,
deleted service while querying for a list of instances. After the bug
is fixed, we should be able to successfully query for a list of
Related-Bug: #1778305
Change-Id: I1c62a0a5be6c44176b5714af00cc181eb5437585
(cherry picked from commit 1d9aaef3d1c880b02d6b7c186e8de79cbaac9ae0)
(cherry picked from commit 06ae1ff21495a51d24376c457f51162e17ae3235)
(cherry picked from commit 36246000949f29036ed5b9eed563975d063b29c9)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. opendev. org/673825 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ nova/commit/ ?id=57538f0d8d1 1189b348c5820e8 8169862e25800a
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Zuul
Branch: stable/queens
commit 57538f0d8d11189 b348c5820e88169 862e25800a
Author: melanie witt <email address hidden>
Date: Thu Jul 12 20:46:24 2018 +0000
Add functional regression test for bug 1778305
This tests the scenario where an operator has upgraded from Ocata =>
Pike but has old, deleted services that share the same hostname with
currently existing, running services. The current behavior is that
ServiceTooOld is raised when we try to generate a UUID for the old,
deleted service while querying for a list of instances. After the bug
is fixed, we should be able to successfully query for a list of
Related-Bug: #1778305
Change-Id: I1c62a0a5be6c44 176b5714af00cc1 81eb5437585 02d6b7c186e8de7 9cbaac9ae0) d24376c457f5116 2e17ae3235) 36ed5b9eed56397 5d063b29c9)
(cherry picked from commit 1d9aaef3d1c880b
(cherry picked from commit 06ae1ff21495a51
(cherry picked from commit 36246000949f290