It is possible that really old instances don't actually have this
attribute defined which can lead to raising exceptions when loading
their embedded flavors from the database.
This patch fixes this by defaulting these values to true if they
are not set.
Change-Id: If04cd802ce7184dc94f94804c743faebe0d4bd8c
Closes-Bug: #1789423
(cherry picked from commit c4f6b0bf6cc903cf52c4b238c3771604dda174b8)
(cherry picked from commit c689c09996c4a3da9e05ccd5178a4b5060949889)
(cherry picked from commit 61bf7ae5795a3dfac7afc57bed9b4195cfdb6042)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/619352 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ nova/commit/ ?id=9a0d338c677 5803516c5fdb99f 0581e40957cb0c
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Zuul
Branch: stable/pike
commit 9a0d338c6775803 516c5fdb99f0581 e40957cb0c
Author: Mohammed Naser <email address hidden>
Date: Fri Nov 2 12:21:26 2018 +0100
Default embedded instance. flavor. is_public attribute
It is possible that really old instances don't actually have this
attribute defined which can lead to raising exceptions when loading
their embedded flavors from the database.
This patch fixes this by defaulting these values to true if they
are not set.
Change-Id: If04cd802ce7184 dc94f94804c743f aebe0d4bd8c f52c4b238c37716 04dda174b8) a9e05ccd5178a4b 5060949889) ac7afc57bed9b41 95cfdb6042)
Closes-Bug: #1789423
(cherry picked from commit c4f6b0bf6cc903c
(cherry picked from commit c689c09996c4a3d
(cherry picked from commit 61bf7ae5795a3df