For example there are 3 instances in a server group (quota is 5).
When doing multi-creating of 3 more instances in this group
(would have 6 members), current quota checking scheme will fail to
prevent this happening, which is not expected.
This is due to the server_group_members quota check previously
only counting group members that existed as instance records in
cell databases and not accounting for build requests which are
the temporary representation of the instance in the API database
before the instance is scheduled to a cell.
Co-Authored-By: Matt Riedemann <email address hidden>
Change-Id: If439f4486b8fe157c436c47aa408608e639a3e15
Closes-Bug: #1780373
(cherry picked from commit bbee9a26a5c64a1463bd9a9f82d735ec17c62d52)
(cherry picked from commit 1aa81ebfdc585451cbae9c9bbde8adfe339cb0dc)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/581867 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ nova/commit/ ?id=64f2104bd10 4638dce081d2f37 ed2bd040ef7068
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Zuul
Branch: stable/pike
commit 64f2104bd104638 dce081d2f37ed2b d040ef7068
Author: Chen <email address hidden>
Date: Fri Jul 6 22:47:12 2018 +0800
Fix server_ group_members quota check
For example there are 3 instances in a server group (quota is 5).
When doing multi-creating of 3 more instances in this group
(would have 6 members), current quota checking scheme will fail to
prevent this happening, which is not expected.
This is due to the server_ group_members quota check previously
only counting group members that existed as instance records in
cell databases and not accounting for build requests which are
the temporary representation of the instance in the API database
before the instance is scheduled to a cell.
Co-Authored-By: Matt Riedemann <email address hidden>
Change-Id: If439f4486b8fe1 57c436c47aa4086 08e639a3e15 463bd9a9f82d735 ec17c62d52) 1cbae9c9bbde8ad fe339cb0dc)
Closes-Bug: #1780373
(cherry picked from commit bbee9a26a5c64a1
(cherry picked from commit 1aa81ebfdc58545