I can tell that during migrate_disk_and_power_off from the virt driver on the source host, that the bdm.connection_info has the multiattach flag set because we get this message when disconnecting the volume from the first instance on the first host:
Mar 19 19:48:12.057443 ubuntu-xenial-inap-mtl01-0003062768 nova-compute[27735]: INFO nova.virt.libvirt.driver [None req-f044373a-53dd-4de7-b881-ff511ecb3a70 tempest-AttachVolumeMultiAttachTest-1944074929 tempest-AttachVolumeMultiAttachTest-1944074929] [instance: 0eed0237-245e-4a18-9e30-9e72accd36c6] Detected multiple connections on this host for volume: 652600d5-f6dc-4089-ba95-d71d7640cafa, skipping target disconnect.
Which comes from the _should_disconnect_target code.
Then I eventually see _terminate_volume_connections which creates a new empty attachment between the server and volume:
Later once we're in _finish_resize, we call _update_volume_attachments. I can see that start happening here because we're getting the host connector from the virt driver:
And that connection_info gets updated in the BlockDeviceMapping object, which we use later to set the shareable flag when connecting the volume on the destination host. And that's where I see the guest xml doesn't have the shareable flag because the BDM.connection_info doesn't have the multiattach flag set:
I have no idea why this didn't fail the resize tests before with older libvirt and qemu, but maybe there was something different in those versions that preserved the shareable flag or something, but this is definitely obviously broken just by code inspection.
I can tell that during migrate_ disk_and_ power_off from the virt driver on the source host, that the bdm.connection_info has the multiattach flag set because we get this message when disconnecting the volume from the first instance on the first host:
http:// logs.openstack. org/17/ 554317/ 1/check/ nova-multiattac h/8e97832/ logs/screen- n-cpu.txt. gz#_Mar_ 19_19_48_ 12_057443
Mar 19 19:48:12.057443 ubuntu- xenial- inap-mtl01- 0003062768 nova-compute[ 27735]: INFO nova.virt. libvirt. driver [None req-f044373a- 53dd-4de7- b881-ff511ecb3a 70 tempest- AttachVolumeMul tiAttachTest- 1944074929 tempest- AttachVolumeMul tiAttachTest- 1944074929] [instance: 0eed0237- 245e-4a18- 9e30-9e72accd36 c6] Detected multiple connections on this host for volume: 652600d5- f6dc-4089- ba95-d71d7640ca fa, skipping target disconnect.
Which comes from the _should_ disconnect_ target code.
Then I eventually see _terminate_ volume_ connections which creates a new empty attachment between the server and volume:
http:// logs.openstack. org/17/ 554317/ 1/check/ nova-multiattac h/8e97832/ logs/screen- n-cpu.txt. gz#_Mar_ 19_19_48_ 12_307926
Mar 19 19:48:12.307926 ubuntu- xenial- inap-mtl01- 0003062768 nova-compute[ 27735]: DEBUG cinderclient. v3.client [None req-f044373a- 53dd-4de7- b881-ff511ecb3a 70 tempest- AttachVolumeMul tiAttachTest- 1944074929 tempest- AttachVolumeMul tiAttachTest- 1944074929] REQ: curl -g -i -X POST http:// 198.72. 124.95/ volume/ v3/774fc170bdb2 4f20959a551dd66 6ef06/attachmen ts -H "Accept: application/json" -H "User-Agent: python- cinderclient" -H "OpenStack- API-Version: volume 3.44" -H "X-Auth-Token: {SHA1}6ba4939df 9b73a2d082ac561 65bd1e04d7f33e6 d" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "X-OpenStack- Request- ID: req-f044373a- 53dd-4de7- b881-ff511ecb3a 70" -d '{"attachment": {"instance_uuid": "0eed0237- 245e-4a18- 9e30-9e72accd36 c6", "connector": null, "volume_uuid": "652600d5- f6dc-4089- ba95-d71d7640ca fa"}}' {{(pid=27735) _http_log_request /usr/local/ lib/python2. 7/dist- packages/ keystoneauth1/ session. py:372} } xenial- inap-mtl01- 0003062768 nova-compute[ 27735]: RESP BODY: {"attachment": {"status": "reserved", "detached_at": "", "connection_info": {}, "attached_at": "", "attach_mode": null, "instance": "0eed0237- 245e-4a18- 9e30-9e72accd36 c6", "volume_id": "652600d5- f6dc-4089- ba95-d71d7640ca fa", "id": "c33fe43e- ac88-48df- 93bd-3293746213 b6"}}
Mar 19 19:48:12.412178 ubuntu-
And deletes the existing attachment:
Mar 19 19:48:12.418026 ubuntu- xenial- inap-mtl01- 0003062768 nova-compute[ 27735]: DEBUG cinderclient. v3.client [None req-f044373a- 53dd-4de7- b881-ff511ecb3a 70 tempest- AttachVolumeMul tiAttachTest- 1944074929 tempest- AttachVolumeMul tiAttachTest- 1944074929] REQ: curl -g -i -X DELETE http:// 198.72. 124.95/ volume/ v3/774fc170bdb2 4f20959a551dd66 6ef06/attachmen ts/448fc228- 0e4c-49b4- b0a9-00f3b17468 dd -H "OpenStack- API-Version: volume 3.44" -H "User-Agent: python- cinderclient" -H "X-OpenStack- Request- ID: req-f044373a- 53dd-4de7- b881-ff511ecb3a 70" -H "Accept: application/json" -H "X-Auth-Token: {SHA1}6ba4939df 9b73a2d082ac561 65bd1e04d7f33e6 d" {{(pid=27735) _http_log_request /usr/local/ lib/python2. 7/dist- packages/ keystoneauth1/ session. py:372} }
Later once we're in _finish_resize, we call _update_ volume_ attachments. I can see that start happening here because we're getting the host connector from the virt driver:
http:// logs.openstack. org/17/ 554317/ 1/check/ nova-multiattac h/8e97832/ logs/screen- n-cpu.txt. gz#_Mar_ 19_19_48_ 13_521171
Mar 19 19:48:13.521171 ubuntu- xenial- inap-mtl01- 0003062768 nova-compute[ 27735]: DEBUG os_brick.utils [None req-f044373a- 53dd-4de7- b881-ff511ecb3a 70 tempest- AttachVolumeMul tiAttachTest- 1944074929 tempest- AttachVolumeMul tiAttachTest- 1944074929] ==> get_connector_ properties: call u"{'execute': None, 'my_ip': '', 'enforce_ multipath' : True, 'host': 'ubuntu- xenial- inap-mtl01- 0003062768' , 'root_helper': 'sudo nova-rootwrap /etc/nova/ rootwrap. conf', 'multipath': False}" {{(pid=27735) trace_logging_ wrapper /usr/local/ lib/python2. 7/dist- packages/ os_brick/ utils.py: 146}}
And then we update the new attachment with the host connector:
Mar 19 19:48:13.536842 ubuntu- xenial- inap-mtl01- 0003062768 nova-compute[ 27735]: DEBUG cinderclient. v3.client [None req-f044373a- 53dd-4de7- b881-ff511ecb3a 70 tempest- AttachVolumeMul tiAttachTest- 1944074929 tempest- AttachVolumeMul tiAttachTest- 1944074929] REQ: curl -g -i -X PUT http:// 198.72. 124.95/ volume/ v3/774fc170bdb2 4f20959a551dd66 6ef06/attachmen ts/c33fe43e- ac88-48df- 93bd-3293746213 b6 -H "Accept: application/json" -H "User-Agent: python- cinderclient" -H "OpenStack- API-Version: volume 3.44" -H "X-Auth-Token: {SHA1}6ba4939df 9b73a2d082ac561 65bd1e04d7f33e6 d" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "X-OpenStack- Request- ID: req-f044373a- 53dd-4de7- b881-ff511ecb3a 70" -d '{"attachment": {"connector": {"initiator": "iqn.1993- 08.org. debian: 01:d44f672dfb2a ", "ip": "", "platform": "x86_64", "host": "ubuntu- xenial- inap-mtl01- 0003062768" , "do_local_attach": false, "mountpoint": "/dev/vdb", "os_type": "linux2", "multipath": false}}}' {{(pid=27735) _http_log_request /usr/local/ lib/python2. 7/dist- packages/ keystoneauth1/ session. py:372} }
I think I now see the problem.
_finish_resize in the compute manager calls this code:
refresh_ conn_info= True eventually gets us here:
https:/ /github. com/openstack/ nova/blob/ f80b4e50093002f 84b43ff245a605f be44d34711/ nova/virt/ block_device. py#L639
I see the GET call to attachments here:
http:// logs.openstack. org/17/ 554317/ 1/check/ nova-multiattac h/8e97832/ logs/screen- n-cpu.txt. gz#_Mar_ 19_19_48_ 15_652636
Mar 19 19:48:15.684627 ubuntu- xenial- inap-mtl01- 0003062768 nova-compute[ 27735]: RESP BODY: {"attachment": {"status": "attaching", "detached_at": "", "connection_info": {"auth_password": "5GDZJC3pBdPEJUgh", "attachment_id": "c33fe43e- ac88-48df- 93bd-3293746213 b6", "target_ discovered" : false, "encrypted": false, "driver_ volume_ type": "iscsi", "qos_specs": null, "target_iqn": "iqn.2010- 10.org. openstack: volume- 652600d5- f6dc-4089- ba95-d71d7640ca fa", "target_portal": "198.72. 124.95: 3260", "volume_id": "652600d5- f6dc-4089- ba95-d71d7640ca fa", "target_lun": 1, "access_mode": "rw", "auth_username": "67J6MYJni5Yu5V EEw8Q8" , "auth_method": "CHAP"}, "attached_at": "2018-03- 19T19:48: 16.000000" , "attach_mode": "rw", "instance": "0eed0237- 245e-4a18- 9e30-9e72accd36 c6", "volume_id": "652600d5- f6dc-4089- ba95-d71d7640ca fa", "id": "c33fe43e- ac88-48df- 93bd-3293746213 b6"}}
And that connection_info gets updated in the BlockDeviceMapping object, which we use later to set the shareable flag when connecting the volume on the destination host. And that's where I see the guest xml doesn't have the shareable flag because the BDM.connection_info doesn't have the multiattach flag set:
http:// logs.openstack. org/17/ 554317/ 1/check/ nova-multiattac h/8e97832/ logs/screen- n-cpu.txt. gz#_Mar_ 19_19_48_ 15_706213
block_device_ info={' swap': None, 'root_device_name': u'/dev/vda', 'ephemerals': [], 'block_ device_ mapping' : [{'guest_format': None, 'boot_index': None, 'mount_device': u'/dev/vdb', 'connection_info': {'status': u'attaching', 'detached_at': u'', u'volume_id': u'652600d5- f6dc-4089- ba95-d71d7640ca fa', 'attach_mode': u'rw', 'driver_ volume_ type': u'iscsi', 'instance': u'0eed0237- 245e-4a18- 9e30-9e72accd36 c6', 'attached_at': u'2018- 03-19T19: 48:16.000000' , 'serial': u'652600d5- f6dc-4089- ba95-d71d7640ca fa', 'data': {u'auth_password': u'***', u'target_ discovered' : False, u'encrypted': False, u'qos_specs': None, u'target_iqn': u'iqn.2010- 10.org. openstack: volume- 652600d5- f6dc-4089- ba95-d71d7640ca fa', u'target_portal': u'198.72. 124.95: 3260', u'volume_id': u'652600d5- f6dc-4089- ba95-d71d7640ca fa', u'target_lun': 1, u'access_mode': u'rw', u'auth_username': u'67J6MYJni5Yu5 VEEw8Q8' , u'auth_method': u'CHAP'}}, 'disk_bus': 'virtio', 'device_type': 'disk', 'attachment_id': 'c33fe43e- ac88-48df- 93bd-3293746213 b6', 'delete_ on_termination' : False}]}
I have no idea why this didn't fail the resize tests before with older libvirt and qemu, but maybe there was something different in those versions that preserved the shareable flag or something, but this is definitely obviously broken just by code inspection.