The test_resize_server_with_multiattached_volume test creates two servers and a single multiattach volume, then attaches the volume to the two servers, resizes both servers and then detaches the volume from each.
This is when we attach the multiattach volume to the first instance:
Mar 19 19:48:04.769855 ubuntu-xenial-inap-mtl01-0003062768 nova-compute[27735]: DEBUG nova.virt.libvirt.guest [None req-445edbca-bb87-489e-bf14-eb646e570690 tempest-AttachVolumeMultiAttachTest-1944074929 tempest-AttachVolumeMultiAttachTest-1944074929] attach device xml: <disk type="block" device="disk">
Mar 19 19:48:04.770106 ubuntu-xenial-inap-mtl01-0003062768 nova-compute[27735]: <driver name="qemu" type="raw" cache="none" io="native"/>
Mar 19 19:48:04.770301 ubuntu-xenial-inap-mtl01-0003062768 nova-compute[27735]: <source dev="/dev/sdb"/>
Mar 19 19:48:04.770483 ubuntu-xenial-inap-mtl01-0003062768 nova-compute[27735]: <target bus="virtio" dev="vdb"/>
Mar 19 19:48:04.770667 ubuntu-xenial-inap-mtl01-0003062768 nova-compute[27735]: <serial>652600d5-f6dc-4089-ba95-d71d7640cafa</serial>
Mar 19 19:48:04.770845 ubuntu-xenial-inap-mtl01-0003062768 nova-compute[27735]: <shareable/>
Mar 19 19:48:04.771027 ubuntu-xenial-inap-mtl01-0003062768 nova-compute[27735]: </disk>
Mar 19 19:48:04.771217 ubuntu-xenial-inap-mtl01-0003062768 nova-compute[27735]: {{(pid=27735) attach_device /opt/stack/new/nova/nova/virt/libvirt/}}
Then we start to resize the servers. We correctly count the number of servers on the same host and don't disconnect the volume from the host when detaching the first instance:
Mar 19 19:48:12.057443 ubuntu-xenial-inap-mtl01-0003062768 nova-compute[27735]: INFO nova.virt.libvirt.driver [None req-f044373a-53dd-4de7-b881-ff511ecb3a70 tempest-AttachVolumeMultiAttachTest-1944074929 tempest-AttachVolumeMultiAttachTest-1944074929] [instance: 0eed0237-245e-4a18-9e30-9e72accd36c6] Detected multiple connections on this host for volume: 652600d5-f6dc-4089-ba95-d71d7640cafa, skipping target disconnect.
Then when we go to create that instance during the resize, the shareable flag isn't set and it fails:
Shortly before that, the block_device_info is logged for the guest XML and the bdm connection_info doesn't have the multiattach flag set so that's probably why shareable doesn't get put into the disk config xml:
The test_resize_ server_ with_multiattac hed_volume test creates two servers and a single multiattach volume, then attaches the volume to the two servers, resizes both servers and then detaches the volume from each.
This is when we attach the multiattach volume to the first instance:
http:// logs.openstack. org/17/ 554317/ 1/check/ nova-multiattac h/8e97832/ logs/screen- n-cpu.txt. gz#_Mar_ 19_19_48_ 00_429470
And the shareable flag is set:
Mar 19 19:48:00.429470 ubuntu- xenial- inap-mtl01- 0003062768 nova-compute[ 27735]: DEBUG nova.virt. libvirt. guest [None req-4a992c4c- d85a-4cd8- 9896-569924500d 5a tempest- AttachVolumeMul tiAttachTest- 1944074929 tempest- AttachVolumeMul tiAttachTest- 1944074929] attach device xml: <disk type="block" device="disk"> xenial- inap-mtl01- 0003062768 nova-compute[ 27735]: <driver name="qemu" type="raw" cache="none" io="native"/> xenial- inap-mtl01- 0003062768 nova-compute[ 27735]: <source dev="/dev/sdb"/> xenial- inap-mtl01- 0003062768 nova-compute[ 27735]: <target bus="virtio" dev="vdb"/> xenial- inap-mtl01- 0003062768 nova-compute[ 27735]: <serial> 652600d5- f6dc-4089- ba95-d71d7640ca fa</serial> xenial- inap-mtl01- 0003062768 nova-compute[ 27735]: <shareable/> xenial- inap-mtl01- 0003062768 nova-compute[ 27735]: </disk> xenial- inap-mtl01- 0003062768 nova-compute[ 27735]: {{(pid=27735) attach_device /opt/stack/ new/nova/ nova/virt/ libvirt/ 302}}
Mar 19 19:48:00.429807 ubuntu-
Mar 19 19:48:00.430097 ubuntu-
Mar 19 19:48:00.430383 ubuntu-
Mar 19 19:48:00.430670 ubuntu-
Mar 19 19:48:00.430969 ubuntu-
Mar 19 19:48:00.431268 ubuntu-
Mar 19 19:48:00.431544 ubuntu-
That's instance 0eed0237- 245e-4a18- 9e30-9e72accd36 c6.
This is when we attach the multiattach volume to the second instance:
http:// logs.openstack. org/17/ 554317/ 1/check/ nova-multiattac h/8e97832/ logs/screen- n-cpu.txt. gz#_Mar_ 19_19_48_ 04_769855
And the shareable flag is set:
Mar 19 19:48:04.769855 ubuntu- xenial- inap-mtl01- 0003062768 nova-compute[ 27735]: DEBUG nova.virt. libvirt. guest [None req-445edbca- bb87-489e- bf14-eb646e5706 90 tempest- AttachVolumeMul tiAttachTest- 1944074929 tempest- AttachVolumeMul tiAttachTest- 1944074929] attach device xml: <disk type="block" device="disk"> xenial- inap-mtl01- 0003062768 nova-compute[ 27735]: <driver name="qemu" type="raw" cache="none" io="native"/> xenial- inap-mtl01- 0003062768 nova-compute[ 27735]: <source dev="/dev/sdb"/> xenial- inap-mtl01- 0003062768 nova-compute[ 27735]: <target bus="virtio" dev="vdb"/> xenial- inap-mtl01- 0003062768 nova-compute[ 27735]: <serial> 652600d5- f6dc-4089- ba95-d71d7640ca fa</serial> xenial- inap-mtl01- 0003062768 nova-compute[ 27735]: <shareable/> xenial- inap-mtl01- 0003062768 nova-compute[ 27735]: </disk> xenial- inap-mtl01- 0003062768 nova-compute[ 27735]: {{(pid=27735) attach_device /opt/stack/ new/nova/ nova/virt/ libvirt/ 302}}
Mar 19 19:48:04.770106 ubuntu-
Mar 19 19:48:04.770301 ubuntu-
Mar 19 19:48:04.770483 ubuntu-
Mar 19 19:48:04.770667 ubuntu-
Mar 19 19:48:04.770845 ubuntu-
Mar 19 19:48:04.771027 ubuntu-
Mar 19 19:48:04.771217 ubuntu-
Then we start to resize the servers. We correctly count the number of servers on the same host and don't disconnect the volume from the host when detaching the first instance:
http:// logs.openstack. org/17/ 554317/ 1/check/ nova-multiattac h/8e97832/ logs/screen- n-cpu.txt. gz#_Mar_ 19_19_48_ 12_057443
Mar 19 19:48:12.057443 ubuntu- xenial- inap-mtl01- 0003062768 nova-compute[ 27735]: INFO nova.virt. libvirt. driver [None req-f044373a- 53dd-4de7- b881-ff511ecb3a 70 tempest- AttachVolumeMul tiAttachTest- 1944074929 tempest- AttachVolumeMul tiAttachTest- 1944074929] [instance: 0eed0237- 245e-4a18- 9e30-9e72accd36 c6] Detected multiple connections on this host for volume: 652600d5- f6dc-4089- ba95-d71d7640ca fa, skipping target disconnect.
Then when we go to create that instance during the resize, the shareable flag isn't set and it fails:
http:// logs.openstack. org/17/ 554317/ 1/check/ nova-multiattac h/8e97832/ logs/screen- n-cpu.txt. gz#_Mar_ 19_19_48_ 16_261051
Shortly before that, the block_device_info is logged for the guest XML and the bdm connection_info doesn't have the multiattach flag set so that's probably why shareable doesn't get put into the disk config xml:
http:// logs.openstack. org/17/ 554317/ 1/check/ nova-multiattac h/8e97832/ logs/screen- n-cpu.txt. gz#_Mar_ 19_19_48_ 15_706213
But I'm not sure why this would have anything to do with using a newer version of libvirt.
Guess I need to trace through the resize request ID closer, which for the first server is:
req-f044373a- 53dd-4de7- b881-ff511ecb3a 70