Reviewed: Committed: Submitter: Zuul Branch: stable/pike
commit 064daf9aeb39a7f977de4989ad096821e7830ff6 Author: Sivasathurappan Radhakrishnan <email address hidden> Date: Wed Nov 23 00:17:47 2016 +0000
Fix host validity check for live-migration
When live migrating instance to invalid host, live migration fails with host not found and sets instance task state to migrating.
This change handles host validity in API layer before changing instance task_state to 'MIGRATING' and raise proper exception on invalid host.
Change-Id: I7c5e80298b9adf1bd53cc6c464a3744b5397b7e8 Related-Bug: #1643623 Closes-Bug: #1785031 (cherry picked from commit c7aed3d139909913387e4ac2e771f19c9502c5b1)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/590263 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ nova/commit/ ?id=064daf9aeb3 9a7f977de4989ad 096821e7830ff6
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Zuul
Branch: stable/pike
commit 064daf9aeb39a7f 977de4989ad0968 21e7830ff6
Author: Sivasathurappan Radhakrishnan <email address hidden>
Date: Wed Nov 23 00:17:47 2016 +0000
Fix host validity check for live-migration
When live migrating instance to invalid host, live migration fails
with host not found and sets instance task state to migrating.
This change handles host validity in API layer before changing instance
task_state to 'MIGRATING' and raise proper exception on invalid host.
Change-Id: I7c5e80298b9adf 1bd53cc6c464a37 44b5397b7e8 3387e4ac2e771f1 9c9502c5b1)
Related-Bug: #1643623
Closes-Bug: #1785031
(cherry picked from commit c7aed3d13990991