commit e5a055d2c6f04330cb83b33f8ddd4c9875fdb1b7
Author: Mohammed Naser <email address hidden>
Date: Tue Feb 20 17:11:37 2018 -0500
Ensure attachment_id always exists for block device mapping
If an instance is deleted before it is scheduled, the BDM
clean-up code uses the mappings from the build request as
they don't exist in the database yet.
When using the older attachment flow with reserve_volume,
there is no attachment_id bound to the block device mapping
and because it is not loaded from database but rather from
the build request, accessing the attachment_id field raises
an exception with 'attachment_id not lazy-loadable'
If we did a new style attach, _validate_bdm will add the
attachment_id from Cinder. If we did not, then this patch
will make sure to set it to 'None' to avoid raising an
exception when checking if we have an attachment_id set in
the BDM clean-up code
Change-Id: I3cc775fc7dafe691b97a15e50ae2e93c92f355be
Closes-Bug: #1750666
(cherry picked from commit 16c2c8b3ee9d70e928a61ceb1ef5931d40e509a4)
Detach volumes when deleting a BFV server pre-scheduling
If the user creates a volume-backed server from an existing
volume, the API reserves the volume by creating an attachment
against it. This puts the volume into 'attaching' status.
If the user then deletes the server before it's created in a
cell, by deleting the build request, the attached volume is
orphaned and requires admin intervention in the block storage
This change simply pulls the BDMs off the BuildRequest when
we delete the server via the build request and does the same
local cleanup of those volumes as we would in a "normal" local
delete scenario that the instance was created in a cell but
doesn't have a host.
We don't have to worry about ports in this scenario since
ports are created on the compute, in a cell, and if we're
deleting a build request then we never got far enough to
create ports.
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/546275 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ nova/commit/ ?id=e5a055d2c6f 04330cb83b33f8d dd4c9875fdb1b7
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Zuul
Branch: stable/pike
commit e5a055d2c6f0433 0cb83b33f8ddd4c 9875fdb1b7
Author: Mohammed Naser <email address hidden>
Date: Tue Feb 20 17:11:37 2018 -0500
Ensure attachment_id always exists for block device mapping
If an instance is deleted before it is scheduled, the BDM
clean-up code uses the mappings from the build request as
they don't exist in the database yet.
When using the older attachment flow with reserve_volume,
there is no attachment_id bound to the block device mapping
and because it is not loaded from database but rather from
the build request, accessing the attachment_id field raises
an exception with 'attachment_id not lazy-loadable'
If we did a new style attach, _validate_bdm will add the
attachment_id from Cinder. If we did not, then this patch
will make sure to set it to 'None' to avoid raising an
exception when checking if we have an attachment_id set in
the BDM clean-up code
nova/ tests/functiona l/wsgi/ test_servers. py
Change-Id: I3cc775fc7dafe6 91b97a15e50ae2e 93c92f355be 928a61ceb1ef593 1d40e509a4)
Closes-Bug: #1750666
(cherry picked from commit 16c2c8b3ee9d70e
Detach volumes when deleting a BFV server pre-scheduling
If the user creates a volume-backed server from an existing
volume, the API reserves the volume by creating an attachment
against it. This puts the volume into 'attaching' status.
If the user then deletes the server before it's created in a
cell, by deleting the build request, the attached volume is
orphaned and requires admin intervention in the block storage
This change simply pulls the BDMs off the BuildRequest when
we delete the server via the build request and does the same
local cleanup of those volumes as we would in a "normal" local
delete scenario that the instance was created in a cell but
doesn't have a host.
We don't have to worry about ports in this scenario since
ports are created on the compute, in a cell, and if we're
deleting a build request then we never got far enough to
create ports.
nova/ tests/functiona l/wsgi/ test_servers. py
Change-Id: I1a576bdb16befa be06a9728d7adf0 08fc0667077 21f1bd80b6802c6 df5e7b523e)
Partial-Bug: #1404867
(cherry picked from commit 0652e4ab3d506ea