libvirt: Post-migration, set cache value for Cinder volume(s)
did was to supposedly remove "duplicate" calls to _set_cache_mode().
But that came back to bite us.
Now, while the Cinder volumes are taken care of w.r.t handling its cache
value during migration, but the above referred commit (14c38ac) seemed
to introduce a regression because it disregards the 'disk_cachemodes'
Nova config parameter altogether for boot disks -- i.e. even though if
a user set the cache mode to be 'writeback', it's ignored and
instead 'none' is set unconditionally.
Add the _set_cache_mode() calls back in _get_guest_storage_config().
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/514339 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ nova/commit/ ?id=24e79bcbf77 90d1f4fea2cbdf0 66599cc746c2dc
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Zuul
Branch: master
commit 24e79bcbf7790d1 f4fea2cbdf06659 9cc746c2dc
Author: Kashyap Chamarthy <email address hidden>
Date: Mon Oct 23 16:27:01 2017 +0200
libvirt: Don't disregard cache mode for instance boot disks
One of the things this commit:
commit 14c38ac0f253036 da79f9d07aedf7d fd5778fde8
Author: Kashyap Chamarthy <email address hidden>
Date: Thu Jul 20 19:01:23 2017 +0200
did was to supposedly remove "duplicate" calls to _set_cache_mode().
But that came back to bite us.
Now, while the Cinder volumes are taken care of w.r.t handling its cache
value during migration, but the above referred commit (14c38ac) seemed
to introduce a regression because it disregards the 'disk_cachemodes'
Nova config parameter altogether for boot disks -- i.e. even though if
a user set the cache mode to be 'writeback', it's ignored and
instead 'none' is set unconditionally.
Add the _set_cache_mode() calls back in _get_guest_ storage_ config( ).
Co-Authored-By: melanie witt <email address hidden>
Closes-Bug: #1727558
Change-Id: I7370cc2942a6c8 c51ab5355b50a9e 5666cca042e