commit 42e5b7549e8b920e682204f5745454c0680ec0fb
Author: Dan Smith <email address hidden>
Date: Thu Oct 12 16:37:14 2017 -0700
Regenerate context during targeting
We are only doing a copy.copy() on context when we do target_cell(),
which may mean we're sharing more across threads than we intend to.
This makes that a full regeneration of the context (like we would
do over RPC). This will necessarily dump the targeting, if already
set, and any per-thread database context.
Closes-Bug: #1722404
Change-Id: Id24dea7465bafc1f6f58c4a121c4ffb35b7a634a
(cherry picked from commit 42b70509c6e632b0553e92d8ff04cb4cecaa563c)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/512456 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ nova/commit/ ?id=42e5b7549e8 b920e682204f574 5454c0680ec0fb
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Zuul
Branch: stable/pike
commit 42e5b7549e8b920 e682204f5745454 c0680ec0fb
Author: Dan Smith <email address hidden>
Date: Thu Oct 12 16:37:14 2017 -0700
Regenerate context during targeting
We are only doing a copy.copy() on context when we do target_cell(),
which may mean we're sharing more across threads than we intend to.
This makes that a full regeneration of the context (like we would
do over RPC). This will necessarily dump the targeting, if already
set, and any per-thread database context.
Closes-Bug: #1722404 1f6f58c4a121c4f fb35b7a634a 0553e92d8ff04cb 4cecaa563c)
Change-Id: Id24dea7465bafc
(cherry picked from commit 42b70509c6e632b