Add @targets_cell for live_migrate_instance method in conductor
With microversion < 2.34, the API casts to the migrate_server
method in super conductor which targets the context using the
@targets_cell decorator.
With microversion >= 2.34, the API casts to the live_migrate_instance
method in super conductor which does not use the @targets_cell
decorator, which results in a failure to lookup the instance action
record when recording the start of the action event with the
@wrap_instance_event decorator.
This change simply adds the decorator and provides a test which
was missing for this before. Note that the live migration CI job
didn't catch this regression since it only tests up to microversion
Co-Authored-By: Matt Riedemann <email address hidden>
Closes-bug: #1716903
Change-Id: I21d3f3b7589221b7e0a46c332510afc876ca5a79
(cherry picked from commit 062f5b2e876a09119e43c1905f91610cd4e5d015)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/505285 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ nova/commit/ ?id=a9f9e70dd08 295618731445f38 af2031adc859f1
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: stable/pike
commit a9f9e70dd082956 18731445f38af20 31adc859f1
Author: Yikun Jiang <email address hidden>
Date: Wed Sep 13 19:35:49 2017 +0800
Add @targets_cell for live_migrate_ instance method in conductor
With microversion < 2.34, the API casts to the migrate_server
method in super conductor which targets the context using the
@targets_cell decorator.
With microversion >= 2.34, the API casts to the live_migrate_ instance instance_ event decorator.
method in super conductor which does not use the @targets_cell
decorator, which results in a failure to lookup the instance action
record when recording the start of the action event with the
This change simply adds the decorator and provides a test which
was missing for this before. Note that the live migration CI job
didn't catch this regression since it only tests up to microversion
Co-Authored-By: Matt Riedemann <email address hidden>
Closes-bug: #1716903 b7e0a46c332510a fc876ca5a79 19e43c1905f9161 0cd4e5d015)
Change-Id: I21d3f3b7589221
(cherry picked from commit 062f5b2e876a091