commit e53115da7fc10381c6f9cedcd909461e3c13c4ea
Author: Dan Smith <email address hidden>
Date: Fri Aug 25 08:48:49 2017 -0700
Move hash ring initialization to init_host() for ironic
The hash ring initialization code requires calling to conductor over
RPC. Nova's service startup initializes the manager and the virt
driver, then goes into a polling loop waiting for a conductor to
respond to make sure it is ready. Finally, it calls init_host()
once things are expected to be working. That is where we should
do our initialization that requires conductor to be up.
This patch moves the initial refresh into the Ironic driver's
init_host() routine.
Change-Id: If92f4b1df061f91ffffa7900532a978649efb933
Closes-Bug: #1713095
(cherry picked from commit 361287debf7c2cd5751517cedda8c960c5b5eb66)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/502082 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ nova/commit/ ?id=e53115da7fc 10381c6f9cedcd9 09461e3c13c4ea
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: stable/pike
commit e53115da7fc1038 1c6f9cedcd90946 1e3c13c4ea
Author: Dan Smith <email address hidden>
Date: Fri Aug 25 08:48:49 2017 -0700
Move hash ring initialization to init_host() for ironic
The hash ring initialization code requires calling to conductor over
RPC. Nova's service startup initializes the manager and the virt
driver, then goes into a polling loop waiting for a conductor to
respond to make sure it is ready. Finally, it calls init_host()
once things are expected to be working. That is where we should
do our initialization that requires conductor to be up.
This patch moves the initial refresh into the Ironic driver's
init_host() routine.
Change-Id: If92f4b1df061f9 1ffffa7900532a9 78649efb933 5751517cedda8c9 60c5b5eb66)
Closes-Bug: #1713095
(cherry picked from commit 361287debf7c2cd