When running online_data_migrations in batches, totals were not
being accumulated - rather the counts each batch would clobber
those from the previous one, and the last batch would run no
migrations, so the totals were reported as zero.
Change-Id: Ib616f2efb69baa16e18601d27b747220bbefeb16
Closes-Bug: #1794364
(cherry picked from commit c4c6dc736e084f2d919b9bcf93d26df87e0341c9)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/605828 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ nova/commit/ ?id=fc9c8772012 b528176c3f58d99 a58491bb1aedb4
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Zuul
Branch: stable/rocky
commit fc9c8772012b528 176c3f58d99a584 91bb1aedb4
Author: imacdonn <email address hidden>
Date: Wed Sep 26 04:30:49 2018 +0000
nova-manage - fix online_ data_migrations counts
When running online_ data_migrations in batches, totals were not
being accumulated - rather the counts each batch would clobber
those from the previous one, and the last batch would run no
migrations, so the totals were reported as zero.
Change-Id: Ib616f2efb69baa 16e18601d27b747 220bbefeb16 d919b9bcf93d26d f87e0341c9)
Closes-Bug: #1794364
(cherry picked from commit c4c6dc736e084f2