disk_available_least is a free disk size information of hypervisors.
This is calculated by the following formula:
disk_available_least = <free disk size> - <Total gap between virtual disk size and actual disk size for all instances>
But stopped instance's virtual disk sizes are not calculated now.
So disk_available_least will be larger than actual free disk size.
As a result, instances will be scheduled beyond the actual free disk size if stopped instances are on a host.
I think that this is a bug.
Because stopped instances are on a host unlike shelved instances.
Steps to reproduce
1. Call hyper visor show API for any hypervisor.
And, check the value of disk_available_least.
2. Create a instance with qcow2 image on 1's hypervisor.
3. Wait for over 1 minute.
4. Call hyper visor show API.
And, check that disk_available_least is smaller than step 1's value.
5. Call Stop Server API for the instance.
6. Wait until instance's state is changed to STOPPED.
7. Wait for over 1 minute.
8. Call hyper visor show API.
And, check the value of disk_available_least.
Expected result
disk_available_least value is same as step 8.
Because stopped instance is still on the host.
Actual result
disk_available_least value is bigger than step4's value in step 8.
* I used latest devstack.
* I used libvirt + kvm.
* I used qcow2 image.
Logs & Configs
I think that this bug affects for all settings.
Description least is a free disk size information of hypervisors.
This is calculated by the following formula:
disk_available_ least = <free disk size> - <Total gap between virtual disk size and actual disk size for all instances>
But stopped instance's virtual disk sizes are not calculated now. least will be larger than actual free disk size.
So disk_available_
As a result, instances will be scheduled beyond the actual free disk size if stopped instances are on a host.
I think that this is a bug.
Because stopped instances are on a host unlike shelved instances.
Steps to reproduce least. least is smaller than step 1's value. least.
1. Call hyper visor show API for any hypervisor.
And, check the value of disk_available_
2. Create a instance with qcow2 image on 1's hypervisor.
3. Wait for over 1 minute.
4. Call hyper visor show API.
And, check that disk_available_
5. Call Stop Server API for the instance.
6. Wait until instance's state is changed to STOPPED.
7. Wait for over 1 minute.
8. Call hyper visor show API.
And, check the value of disk_available_
Expected result least value is same as step 8.
Because stopped instance is still on the host.
Actual result least value is bigger than step4's value in step 8.
* I used latest devstack.
* I used libvirt + kvm.
* I used qcow2 image.
Logs & Configs
I think that this bug affects for all settings.