Parse algorithm from cipher for ephemeral disk encryption
Nova's keymgr implementation used to have default values
for the algorithm and bit length. Castellan does not have
default values, and when Castellan replaced keymgr in
Ib563b0ea4b8b4bc1833bf52bf49a68546c384996, the parameters
to the create_key method were not updated. This change
parses the algorithm from the cipher value and passes it
to Castellan's key manager interface.
Conflicts: nova/conf/
NOTE(mriedem): The conflicts are due to not having
Ic8ea9b0852d5b6f5d8a468fe0a03d21e220a8913 in newton, which
was a refactor/cleanup change in ocata. It's just preserved
here for readability.
Closes-Bug: #1651887
Change-Id: Ib90bc7571aef59325be0efe123fcf12e86252b85
(cherry picked from commit 1d3acad111c5106592b0921628480fcf41e0fb4c)
(cherry picked from commit fcc931f4017ab4bb830ff645431edaa8a18bf880)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/466196 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ nova/commit/ ?id=c589b76e13f 54f8c0d753b1d2c 4d4c2ef3399359
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: stable/newton
commit c589b76e13f54f8 c0d753b1d2c4d4c 2ef3399359
Author: Kaitlin Farr <email address hidden>
Date: Fri Mar 10 18:09:49 2017 -0500
Parse algorithm from cipher for ephemeral disk encryption
Nova's keymgr implementation used to have default values 8b4bc1833bf52bf 49a68546c384996 , the parameters
for the algorithm and bit length. Castellan does not have
default values, and when Castellan replaced keymgr in
to the create_key method were not updated. This change
parses the algorithm from the cipher value and passes it
to Castellan's key manager interface.
nova/ conf/ephemeral_ storage. py
NOTE(mriedem): The conflicts are due to not having d5b6f5d8a468fe0 a03d21e220a8913 in newton, which
was a refactor/cleanup change in ocata. It's just preserved
here for readability.
Closes-Bug: #1651887 325be0efe123fcf 12e86252b85 592b0921628480f cf41e0fb4c) b830ff645431eda a8a18bf880)
Change-Id: Ib90bc7571aef59
(cherry picked from commit 1d3acad111c5106
(cherry picked from commit fcc931f4017ab4b