commit 5ec5886fe74514c65908ff3adc2ca46610b595ad
Author: Matt Riedemann <email address hidden>
Date: Fri Nov 17 16:53:39 2017 -0500
Add regression test for rebuilding a volume-backed server
Commit 984dd8ad6add4523d93c7ce5a666a32233e02e34 makes rebuild
check to see if the user is rebuilding an instance with a new
image and if so, to run the scheduler filters again since the
new image might not work with the current host for the instance,
and we rebuild to the same host that the instance is already
running on.
The problem is the instance.image_ref attribute is not set for
a volume-backed (boot-from-volume) instance, so the conditional
in the rebuild() method is always True, which means we always run
through the scheduler for volume-backed instances during rebuild,
even if the image in the root disk isn't changing.
This adds a functional regression test to recreate the bug.
Conflicts: nova/tests/
NOTE(mriedem): The fixture conflict is due to not having the
CinderFixture in Newton. That was added in Ocata via commit
47fb8b757994688a995ec3bdfa5dccc72f870f34. It's added here in
it's entirety since that is simpler than trying to basically
re-write it from scratch in a backport.
NOTE(mriedem): The functional test is slightly modified to
not rely on Placement and because of old config option names.
Change-Id: If79c554b46c44a7f70f8367426e7da362d7234c8
Related-Bug: #1732947
(cherry picked from commit a4eebd5de7ef4b63082536718ba7b993a66d47e7)
(cherry picked from commit c7991653a4e7cbb86656e6ba7579a86236801567)
(cherry picked from commit fe5e3e7e61d879f7a28eb177e4bdbc7ead3ae4ac)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/526542 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ nova/commit/ ?id=5ec5886fe74 514c65908ff3adc 2ca46610b595ad
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Zuul
Branch: stable/newton
commit 5ec5886fe74514c 65908ff3adc2ca4 6610b595ad
Author: Matt Riedemann <email address hidden>
Date: Fri Nov 17 16:53:39 2017 -0500
Add regression test for rebuilding a volume-backed server
Commit 984dd8ad6add452 3d93c7ce5a666a3 2233e02e34 makes rebuild
check to see if the user is rebuilding an instance with a new
image and if so, to run the scheduler filters again since the
new image might not work with the current host for the instance,
and we rebuild to the same host that the instance is already
running on.
The problem is the instance.image_ref attribute is not set for
a volume-backed (boot-from-volume) instance, so the conditional
in the rebuild() method is always True, which means we always run
through the scheduler for volume-backed instances during rebuild,
even if the image in the root disk isn't changing.
This adds a functional regression test to recreate the bug.
nova/ tests/fixtures. py
NOTE(mriedem): The fixture conflict is due to not having the 4688a995ec3bdfa 5dccc72f870f34. It's added here in
CinderFixture in Newton. That was added in Ocata via commit
it's entirety since that is simpler than trying to basically
re-write it from scratch in a backport.
NOTE(mriedem): The functional test is slightly modified to
not rely on Placement and because of old config option names.
Change-Id: If79c554b46c44a 7f70f8367426e7d a362d7234c8 3082536718ba7b9 93a66d47e7) 86656e6ba7579a8 6236801567) 7a28eb177e4bdbc 7ead3ae4ac)
Related-Bug: #1732947
(cherry picked from commit a4eebd5de7ef4b6
(cherry picked from commit c7991653a4e7cbb
(cherry picked from commit fe5e3e7e61d879f