neutron: handle binding:profile=None during migration
The port binding:profile handling in _setup_migration_port_profile
and _update_port_binding_for_instance is not handling when the
binding:profile is set on the port but the value is None, which
results in a NoneType error. Neutron API does not define a format
for this field, or whether or not it will be specified on the port,
and if so, if it's an empty dict or None, so let's be safe and
make sure we handle None.
Because of how many places we access the binding:profile on
a port, this adds a common helper utility.
Co-Authored-By: Eric M Gonzalez <email address hidden>
Conflicts: nova/network/neutronv2/
NOTE(mriedem): The conflict is due to not having change
2f67b97577fa28f7e6ab23971e7d6f259889c992 in Pike.
Change-Id: I564bac88fad6cc47ccbf7425b1ab39899fdc1c2e
Closes-Bug: #1717365
(cherry picked from commit 8ac7be36bedaf0dd3467efc5b5bffdb365b8231b)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/506319 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ nova/commit/ ?id=c393e490751 416f408432ec20e 2b1afc1af88af0
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Zuul
Branch: stable/pike
commit c393e490751416f 408432ec20e2b1a fc1af88af0
Author: Matt Riedemann <email address hidden>
Date: Thu Sep 14 18:04:20 2017 -0400
neutron: handle binding: profile= None during migration
The port binding:profile handling in _setup_ migration_ port_profile port_binding_ for_instance is not handling when the
and _update_
binding:profile is set on the port but the value is None, which
results in a NoneType error. Neutron API does not define a format
for this field, or whether or not it will be specified on the port,
and if so, if it's an empty dict or None, so let's be safe and
make sure we handle None.
Because of how many places we access the binding:profile on
a port, this adds a common helper utility.
Co-Authored-By: Eric M Gonzalez <email address hidden>
nova/ network/ neutronv2/
NOTE(mriedem): The conflict is due to not having change a28f7e6ab23971e 7d6f259889c992 in Pike.
Change-Id: I564bac88fad6cc 47ccbf7425b1ab3 9899fdc1c2e d3467efc5b5bffd b365b8231b)
Closes-Bug: #1717365
(cherry picked from commit 8ac7be36bedaf0d