commit 2cee5bb4d14a5ad6a037857bd3624833317cd931
Author: Dan Smith <email address hidden>
Date: Thu Apr 20 09:12:45 2017 -0700
Warn the user about orphaned extra records during keypair migration
Operators who have manually deleted Instance records with FK constraints
disabled may have orphaned InstanceExtra records which will prevent the
keypair migration from running. Normally, this violation of the data
model would be something that earns no sympathy. However, that solution
was (incorrectly) offered up as a workaround in bug 1511466 and multiple
deployments have broken their data as a result. Since the experience
is a unhelpful error message and a blocked migration, this patch attempts
to at least highlight the problem, even though it is on the operator to
actually fix the problem.
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/458564 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ nova/commit/ ?id=2cee5bb4d14 a5ad6a037857bd3 624833317cd931
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: master
commit 2cee5bb4d14a5ad 6a037857bd36248 33317cd931
Author: Dan Smith <email address hidden>
Date: Thu Apr 20 09:12:45 2017 -0700
Warn the user about orphaned extra records during keypair migration
Operators who have manually deleted Instance records with FK constraints
disabled may have orphaned InstanceExtra records which will prevent the
keypair migration from running. Normally, this violation of the data
model would be something that earns no sympathy. However, that solution
was (incorrectly) offered up as a workaround in bug 1511466 and multiple
deployments have broken their data as a result. Since the experience
is a unhelpful error message and a blocked migration, this patch attempts
to at least highlight the problem, even though it is on the operator to
actually fix the problem.
Change-Id: I0c8bf2c495a98c 412eb93e19f8329 48a779bca11
Related-Bug: #1684861